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Conceptualization of negative emotions in modern linguistic consciousness (on the material of Russian, English and Slovak linguistic cultures: a contrastive analysis)
Journal of Language and Cultural Education ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-01 , DOI: 10.2478/jolace-2018-0017
Tatjana Grigorjanová 1 , Marina Matytcina 2

Abstract The article aims to provide cross-cultural insight into the examination of emotion “envy” through comparative description of the emotional worldviews in Slavic (Russian and Slovak) and non-Slavic (English) linguistic cultures represented in the form of the concept. The obtained results have allowed us to clarify some common and different features of Slavic and non-Slavic nations in the realm of display the emotion “envy” to explore cultural peculiarities of nations and to contribute to the professional training and practices of professional dealing with international communication. The article also seeks to enhance public awareness on the following important issues: how cognate are perceptions of Slavic and non-Slavic nations; what universal features and cross-cultural differences are in regulation, somatization, the degree of prototypically of a seemingly equivalent concept, and how cultural rules influence the shaping of meaning and the expression of the investigated emotion in discourse.


