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“At Variance with Accepted Practice:” Antiracist Pedagogies within the Jewish History Museum
Journal of Museum Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2019.1675940
Bryan L. Davis , Ariel Goldberg

ABSTRACT At the Jewish History Museum and Holocaust History Center in Tucson, Arizona, photographs, text, and audio displays present Jewish histories alongside local histories of African-American, Latinx, and Native peoples – among others – in Southern Arizona, where Jews comprise only 2–3% of the population. In documenting our pedagogical tools for presenting these histories, we ask what forms of responsibility and context are necessary when engaging antisemitism and other forms of exclusion. What does it mean to present these histories and not romanticize or isolate them in the past, but instead instrumentalize them in order to prompt contemporary action? Weekly public talks and an education program that reach several thousand students a year employ antiracist pedagogical methodologies for facilitating difficult conversations inside the museum. This article will document our frameworks of discussion and lines of questioning prompted by our museum displays that actively thematize race and institutional forms of discrimination.



摘要 在亚利桑那州图森市的犹太历史博物馆和大屠杀历史中心,照片、文字和音频展示了犹太人的历史以及非裔美国人、拉丁裔和原住民的当地历史——其中包括——在亚利桑那州南部,犹太人仅占2-3% 的人口。在记录我们展示这些历史的教学工具时,我们会询问在参与反犹太主义和其他形式的排斥时需要何种形式的责任和背景。呈现这些历史,而不是将它们浪漫化或孤立于过去,而是将它们工具化以促进当代行动,这意味着什么?每周一次的公共演讲和一个每年影响数千名学生的教育计划采用反种族主义教学方法来促进博物馆内的艰难对话。