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“Total and Radical Liberation”: The Religious and Philosophical Background of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s Revolutionary Ideas
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-10 , DOI: 10.18523/kmhj106708.2017-4.29-43
Roman Bilyashevych

The article explores the religious and philosophical origins of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s ideas of “honesty with oneself,” “omnilateral liberation,” and “concordism.” Two treatises, Vidrodzhennia natsii (Rebirth of a Nation, 1919–1920) and Konkordyzm. Systema buduvannia shchastia (Concordism. A System of Building Happiness, 1938–1945), illustrate the development of Vynnychenko’s worldview. In the first work, social revolution was considered as the answer to human problems, while, in the second, such a solution was found in becoming one with the universe. Despite his negative attitude towards religion, Volodymyr Vynnychenko actively used religious images and patterns in his writings. For instance, criticizing Christianity for its dogmatism, he nevertheless created his codex of thirteen rules of concordism, which had to harmonize the unbalanced forces of mankind with the universe. In this context, particular attention is paid to the significant influence of pagan concepts on Vynnychenko’s thinking.



本文探讨了弗拉基米尔·温尼琴科(Volodymyr Vynnychenko)“诚实守信”,“全方位解放”和“协和主义”思想的宗教和哲学渊源。有两篇论文,《民族复兴》(Vidrodzhennia natsii,1919–1920年的《国家重生》)和《康科迪姆》。Systema buduvannia shchastia(协和主义。建立幸福的体系,1938年至1945年)说明了温尼申科世界观的发展。在第一部著作中,社会革命被认为是人类问题的答案,而在第二部著作中,发现了这样的解决方案,使它与宇宙成为一体。尽管对宗教持否定态度,但弗拉基米尔·温尼琴科(Volodymyr Vynnychenko)仍在其著作中积极使用宗教形象和图案。举例来说,他批评基督教的教条主义,却创建了十三项和解规则的法典,它必须使人类不平衡的力量与宇宙协调一致。在这种情况下,应特别注意异教徒观念对温尼琴科思想的重大影响。