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Broken Harp Strings: The Art Songs of Kyrylo Stetsenko and the Ukrainian Art Song Project
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-10 , DOI: 10.18523/kmhj106719.2017-4.85-93
Melanie Turgeon

The art song genre began in Ukraine with Mykola Lysenko. Lysenko’s student, Kyrylo Stetsenko, followed his teacher’s example and composed 42 art songs, that are marked by desolation, anguish, and repression, yet with occasional strong glimpses of hope and love. Repressive political circumstances, which Stetsenko desperately fought to change, and various life events as a composer and Orthodox priest truly resulted in the heartfelt music that he wrote. Subsequent Ukrainian composers also wrote art songs despite prohibition of the Ukrainian language in print, in performance, and in scores. Over the past decade, thanks to the diligent efforts of the Ukrainian Art Song Project, the world stage is being introduced to hundreds of forbidden art songs by Ukrainian composers. Founded in 2004 by world-renowned bass-baritone, Pavlo Hunka, the Ukrainian Art Song Project aims to record, publish, promote and perform the art songs of more than 26 eminent Ukrainian composers by 2025.



艺术歌曲的流派始于Mykola Lysenko在乌克兰。Lysenko的学生Kyrylo Stetsenko跟随他的老师的榜样,创作了42首艺术歌曲,这些歌曲的特点是凄凉,痛苦和压抑,但偶尔也带有强烈的希望和爱意。施泰琴科拼命奋力改变的压制性政治环境,以及作曲家和东正教牧师的各种生平事迹,确实使他写了由衷的音乐。随后的乌克兰作曲家也创作了艺术歌曲,尽管在印刷,表演和乐谱上都禁止使用乌克兰语言。在过去的十年中,由于乌克兰艺术歌曲计划的辛勤工作,乌克兰作曲家正在将世界舞台介绍给数百种被禁止的艺术歌曲。由世界著名的低音男中音Pavlo Hunka于2004年创立,