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100 Years of Ukraine’s Cultural Diplomacy: The European Mission of the Ukrainian Republican Capella (1919–1921)
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.18523/kmhj189010.2019-6.69-89
Tina Peresunko

The article deals with the reputational, cultural, and informational resonance of the Ukrainian Republican Capella’s tours conducted by Oleksandr Koshyts in Western Europe from 1919 to 1921. The Ukrainian Republican Capella was created on the initiative of Symon Petliura, Head of the Directorate, Chief Otaman of the Army and Navy of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR), to promote international recognition of Ukraine’s independence and the image of Ukrainian culture in the world. It gave 208 concerts in 74 of the most prestigious concert halls of 45 European cities. More than 600 reviews complimentary of Ukraine, Ukrainian state institutions, and Ukrainian culture appeared on the pages of the leading Western European press, and Ukrainian diplomatic missions abroad as well as the Capella’s office received hundreds of letters from leading European artists and politicians with enthusiastic reviews on its musical art and UNR aspirations for independence. The author provides little-known archival documents of the Ukrainian Republican Capella Foundation at the Central State Archives of the Supreme Bodies of the Government of Ukraine (CSASB of Ukraine), covering institutional, legal, financial and diplomatic support of the Capella abroad as part of Symon Petliura’s and the UNR Directory’s policy of cultural diplomacy, and suggests that foreign tours of the Capella should be considered as the first project of cultural diplomacy in the history of modern Ukraine.



本文讨论了1919至1921年Oleksandr Koshyts在西欧进行的乌克兰共和党人卡佩拉之行在声誉,文化和信息上的共鸣。乌克兰共和党人卡佩拉是在首长奥塔曼市长Symon Petliura的倡议下创建的乌克兰国家共和国陆军和海军司令部,以促进国际上对乌克兰独立和乌克兰文化形象的认可。它在45个欧洲城市的74个最负盛名的音乐厅举办了208场音乐会。超过600条有关乌克兰,乌克兰国家机构和乌克兰文化的评论,出现在领先的西欧媒体上,乌克兰的外交使团以及卡佩拉的办公室收到了数百位欧洲著名艺术家和政客的来信,并对他们的音乐艺术和UNR的独立抱负充满热情。作者在乌克兰政府最高机构中央国家档案馆(乌克兰CSASB)提供了乌克兰共和党卡佩拉基金会鲜为人知的档案文件,其中涵盖了卡佩拉在国外作为其一部分的机构,法律,财务和外交支持。西蒙·佩特里乌拉(Symon Petliura)和近邻目录(UNR Directory)的文化外交政策,并建议在卡佩拉(Capella)进行国外旅行应被视为现代乌克兰历史上的第一个文化外交项目。