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A voyage to the land of mirrors: Felix Fabri’s narration of the Virgin Mary’s pilgrimages as a model for late medieval Mendicant piety
Journal of Medieval History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2020.1811134
Yamit Rachman-Schrire 1

ABSTRACT Scholars have acknowledged the role mental exercises played in virtual pilgrimages, yet their role in actual voyages to the sacred places is less recognised. One chapter in a pilgrimage account, Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, composed in the early 1480s by the Dominican pilgrim and preacher Felix Fabri, describes the Virgin Mary’s daily pilgrimages to the sacred places in Jerusalem in the 14 years she is said to have lived after the Ascension of Christ. In this chapter Fabri offers a normative model for visiting the sacred places, in the spirit of vita mixta, promoting mental practices as inherent in, and even superior to, the physical act of pilgrimage. A cultural-historical reading of Fabri’s chapter locates it in close relationship to other literary genres, particularly devotional works and sermons.


到镜之乡的旅程:费利克斯·法布里(Felix Fabri)对圣母玛利亚朝圣的叙述,作为中世纪晚期Mendicant虔诚的典范

摘要学者们已经认识到心理锻炼在虚拟朝圣中所起的作用,但人们很少认识到其在实际旅行中的作用。1480年代初期,由多米尼加朝圣者和传教士费利克斯·法布里(Felix Fabri)组成的朝圣帐户中的一章,即圣塔瓦的Evagatorium,描述了圣母玛利亚在耶路撒冷圣地的每日朝圣活动,据说这是她在耶路撒冷住了14年后住的地方。基督升天。在这一章中,法布里(Fabri)提供了一种规范模型,本着维他命混合的精神,参观了神圣的地方,促进了朝圣的身体行为固有的甚至超越朝圣的身体行为。对法布里的章节进行文化历史阅读后,发现其与其他文学体裁,尤其是虔诚的作品和讲道紧密相关。