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Within sacred boundaries: the limitations of saintly justice in the province of Narbonne around the year 1000
Journal of Medieval History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2020.1751248
Adam C. Matthews 1

ABSTRACT Around the year 1000, judges from the ecclesiastical province of Narbonne (southern France and Catalonia) crafted judicial strategies that reinforced the region's Visigothic Code with the power of saints – conceived as gatekeepers to God's heavenly courtroom – to validate the oaths of witnesses. This practice merged liturgically grounded ideas about supernatural forces and space with a law code that prioritised secular authority. To forestall opposition to rulings, officials sometimes held proceedings in churches. This paper examines two unusual cases illustrating the challenges such strategies faced, given the perception that saints were not omnipresent. These disputes raise questions about the nature of saints, the degree of agency humans attributed to them and the utility of sacred spaces for legal ritual. In the province, saints were powerful, but constrained by their inability to act beyond the walls of consecrated sanctuaries housing their relics. This relegated saints to supplementary roles in law.



摘要大约在公元1000年,来自教会邦纳博讷省(法国南部和加泰罗尼亚)的法官制定了司法策略,以圣徒的力量加强了该地区的《西哥特法典》(被视为通往上帝天庭的守门人),以证实证人的誓言。这种做法将关于超自然力和空间的礼仪性思想与优先考虑世俗权威的法律法规相结合。为了阻止反对该裁决,官员有时在教堂举行诉讼。本文考察了两个不寻常的案例,这些案例说明了在没有圣徒的情况下这种策略所面临的挑战。这些争端引起了有关圣徒的性质,代理人对他们的归属程度以及神圣的法律仪式空间的利用等问题。在省里 圣徒很有权势,但由于他们无法超越收容圣物的圣所的墙壁而受到限制。这使圣徒沦为法律的补充角色。