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False havens: assessing new developments in the libel tourism debate
Journal of Media Law Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17577632.2019.1679425
Jack Larkin 1

ABSTRACT Libel tourism is the phenomenon whereby litigants issue libel claims in inappropriate fora in order to avail themselves of the pro-claimant laws therein. For years, London held the reputation as the global capital for libel tourism. However, following controversy in this area in the 2000s and passage of both the US SPEECH Act and Defamation Act 2013, the debate surrounding the libel tourism has taken several new directions. Many commentators now wonder whether libel tourists, deprived of a haven in London, will flock to fora with more pro-claimant regimes. Others go further, suggesting that libel tourism has the potential to flare up once more in England and that the 2013 Act leaves the door open to libel tourists. Some scholars have even asserted that such is the danger, an international convention must be established to ensure that the blight of libel tourism is finally slain. This article investigates how realistic and desirable these new developments in the debate are.



摘要诽谤旅游业是指诉讼人在不适当的论坛中发布诽谤索偿,以利用其中的主张索偿人法律的现象。多年来,伦敦一直是诽谤旅游的全球首都。然而,继2000年代在这一领域的争议并通过了美国SPEECH法案和2013年的诽谤法案之后,围绕诽谤旅游业的辩论已朝着几个新方向发展。现在,许多评论员怀疑,被剥夺伦敦避风港的诽谤游客是否会涌向拥有更多主张者政权的论坛。其他人则走得更远,这表明诽谤旅游在英国有再次爆发的可能,而《 2013年法令》为诽谤游客敞开了大门。有些学者甚至断言这是危险,必须建立国际公约,以确保诽谤旅游业的祸根最终得以消除。本文研究了辩论中这些新进展的现实性和可取性。