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Media operations: a reorientation of newsworker categorisation
Journal of Media Business Studies Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1080/16522354.2020.1768723
Allie Kosterich 1 , Paul Ziek 2


The advent and popularity of digital and social media have forever transformed the news media industry, specifically impacting the overall production and distribution of hard-copy newspapers. Much of the scholarship on the transformation of the news media industry tends to focus on the phenomenon from the perspective of the journalist and how the process of journalism itself is changing. Often, however, this work overlooks how the process and labourers of newswork are more wholly affected. Thus, this paper argues for a reorientation of the categories of workers involved in the news media industry to account for those involved in media operations – those that play an active role in maintaining the infrastructure that physically creates and disseminates newspapers on a text by text basis. In order to achieve this goal, the paper seeks to uncover the newswork that occurs in the concealed world of media operations and then illustrates how changes to the industry are impacting this area of focus. We conclude by offering several potential avenues of future research that would benefit from utilising a media operations perspective. In doing so, the paper furthers a more robust comprehension of the labour needed to perform newswork as the industry continues to undergo digital transformation.




