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In memory of Don E. Schultz
Journal of Marketing Communications Pub Date : 2020-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2020.1783083
Philip J. Kitchen 1

Don E. Schultz, a pioneer and eventual guru in the field of integrated marketing communications (IMC) and advertising, passed away on Thursday 4 June 2020 at the age of 86. He is survived by his wife Heidi, his three sons – Steven, Bradley, and Jeff; and seven grandchildren – Dory, Emily, Jacqueline, Colin, Benjamin, Daniel, and Isobel. Don became Deputy Editor of this Journal from its inception in 1995, and served diligently in that position for a quarter century, helping others to move their academic research forward via guest editing, reviewing, mentoring, and counselling. He was closely involved with the annual International Conference in Corporate and Marketing Communications. ‘The conference never really started’, said Phil Kitchen, of ICN-Artem Business School, France, ‘until Don and Heidi arrived’. Over the past four decades, Schultz’s work saw Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) evolve from a good idea, to a workable concept, a theoretical presence, and into a global study area. Source: Don E. Schultz, Professor Emeritus, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications and President of Agora Inc JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 2020, VOL. 26, NO. 6, 571–574 https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2020.1783083



唐·舒尔茨(Don E. Schultz)是整合营销传播(IMC)和广告领域的先驱和最终专家,于2020年6月4日星期四去世,享年86岁。他的妻子海蒂(Heidi),三个儿子–史蒂文(Steven),布拉德利和杰夫;还有七个孙子–海ry,艾米丽,杰奎琳,科林,本杰明,丹尼尔和伊索贝尔。Don自1995年成立以来就担任该杂志的副编辑,并在该职位上勤奋工作了25年,通过客座编辑,审阅,指导和咨询帮助其他人推进学术研究。他密切参与了年度公司和市场传播国际会议。法国ICN-Artem商学院的菲尔·基奇说:“会议从未真正开始过,直到唐和海蒂到来为止”。在过去的四十年中,舒尔茨的工作见证了整合营销传播(IMC)从一个好主意发展到一个可行的概念,理论上的发展并发展成为一个全球研究领域。资料来源:Don E. Schultz,梅迪尔新闻学院媒体,综合营销传播学荣誉退休教授,Agora Inc总裁,《 2020年营销通讯杂志》,第一卷。26号 6,571–574 https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2020.1783083