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O concheiro do Meu Jardim (Nazaré) no contexto das estratégias de produção e circulação de suportes lâmino lamelares no Neolítico Médio da Estremadura Portuguesa
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-11 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.v4i3.2533
Eliana Goufa , António Carlos Valera , António Faustino Carvalho

The archaeological site of Meu Jardim (municipality of Nazare) is a shell-midden with several phases of occupation dated to the Middle Neolithic period. It is located near flint deposits, on the Atlantic seaboard of the Portuguese Estremadura. Its excavation, that took place in the context of salvage archaeology, was due to the building of a bridge. The fieldwork consisted of the excavation of three tests, comprising a total area of 102 m2. Given the gap in knowledge that dominates the lithic studies of the Middle Neolithic period, it was decided to analyse its blade and bladelet productions (from Tests 1 and 3, where the lithic assemblages are more abundant) and integrate them in their regional context. In order to allow for the establishment of systematic inter-site comparisons, an explicit methodological option was the use of the same analytical protocols as employed elsewhere in the study of coeval sites in the region. These protocols consist mainly of the adoption of the proposals initially put forward by Tixier et al. (1980), which were adapted by Carvalho (1998a; 2008) to the Early and Middle Neolithic periods in Portugal. Overall, the knapped stone assemblage from Meu Jardim totals 639 artefacts of locally available raw materials (flint, quartz and quartzite), which form an assemblage composed of cores and core maintenance products, flakes and debris, blades and bladelets and retouched tools. Flint is the most used raw material, which is due to its availability in the area surrounding the shell-midden. It should be noted that flint is an abiotic resource that can be found almost everywhere in Estremadura but it may be absent from more restricted areas within the region. This fact impacted the acquisition strategies during the period. In the case of Meu Jardim, this implied an expedient exploitation of the nearest flint sources to face the needs of short stays at the site, and the abandonment of nodules and cores in their early stages of reduction. The so-called “prismatic method” (see definition in Carvalho 1998a) was employed for the production of elongated blanks. On average, these ranged in 1.8-7.0 cm in length, 0.5-1.4 cm in width and 0.2-0.9 cm thick, thus forming a bladelet-sized assemblage. The knapping techniques may have been comprised of pressure and indirect percussion; however, according to published experimental evidence, the former technique seems to have been dominant. Indeed, the overwhelming presence of overhanging accidents, regular edges and ridges and faceted butts along with the small sizes evidenced by these blanks strongly points to this conclusion and suggests the presence of hand-knapping procedures (i.e., without the use of levers or similar devices). Tools types are composed mostly of side-retouched blades and bladelets; notches, denticulates, perforators and truncations are less well represented. Microliths were not found. Contrasting with the relatively robust evidence available for the Early Neolithic period in Estremadura, little is known regarding the later stages of the period. The most evident feature is likely the increase in sizes of elongated blanks that is recognized in many assemblages dated to the Middle and Late Neolithic. The morphometric and technological study of blanks from Middle Neolithic cemeteries in the region have reveal two main size groups: one of smaller sizes (2.5-10.0 cm in length, 0.8-2.0 cm in width) and a more robust one (12.0-18.0 cm in length, 1.8-2.8 cm in width). One attribute also marks the difference between the two: the absence of heat treatment in the latter group. Up to now, the evidence from habitation contexts is less clear due to the lack of studies. However, all seem to indicate that at other habitation sites the elongated pieces are similar to those identified at Meu Jardim. A factor that introduces more variability in morphotechnic features is the presence at some sites of bipolar knapping for the production of very small and irregular bladelets, the so-called “bipolar method” (see definition in Carvalho 1998a). In these cases, larger blanks likely imported as finished products from sites located near flint sources are found along with the locally produced smaller, irregular ones. This strategy was not observed at Meu Jardim; indeed, this site is testimony of the opposite situation. Overall, these inferences reveal a pattern of highly diversified economic and technological behaviours regarding flint exploitation and exchange in Middle Neolithic Estremadura.


纳达尔(Oscheche do Meu Jardim)(Nazaré)的生产环境和周围环境的拉美(Lamino)薄片,葡萄牙的埃斯特雷马杜拉(Médioda Estremadura)

Meu Jardim(纳扎雷市)的考古遗址是一个空壳,有数个占领时期,可追溯到新石器时代中期。它位于葡萄牙埃斯特雷马杜拉大西洋海岸的fl石矿床附近。在打捞考古的背景下进行的挖掘是由于建造了一座桥梁。现场工作包括对三项测试的挖掘,总面积为102平方米。考虑到在新石器时代中期的石器研究中占主导地位的知识空白,决定分析其叶片和小叶片的生产(根据试验1和3,其中石器组合更为丰富),并将其整合到其区域背景中。为了允许建立系统的站点间比较,一个明确的方法选择是使用与该地区中世纪遗址研究相同的分析方案。这些协议主要包括采用Tixier等人最初提出的建议。(1980),由Carvalho(1998a; 2008)改编为葡萄牙的新石器时代早期和中期。总体而言,Meu Jardim的n石组合总共有639件当地可用的人工制品(fl石,石英和石英岩),它们由岩心和岩心维护产品,薄片和碎片,刀片和小叶以及修饰的工具组成。火石是最常用的原材料,这是由于其在壳壳周围区域的可用性。应该注意的是,fl石是一种非生物资源,几乎可以在埃斯特雷马杜拉的任何地方找到,但该地区内较受限制的地区可能没有。这一事实影响了该期间的收购策略。对于Meu Jardim而言,这意味着对最近的火石来源进行了权宜的开采,以应对现场短暂停留的需求,并在结核的早期减少废弃结核和核。所谓的“棱柱法”(见Carvalho 1998a中的定义)用于生产拉长的坯料。平均而言,它们的长度为1.8-7.0cm,宽度为0.5-1.4cm,厚度为0.2-0.9cm,因此形成了叶片大小的组件。敲打技术可能包括压力和间接打击。但是,根据已发布的实验证据,前一种技术似乎占主导地位。的确,悬空事故,规则的棱线和脊线以及多面的屁股以及这些坯料所证明的小尺寸的压倒性存在,充分表明了这一结论,并表明存在手工程序(即,不使用杠杆或类似装置) )。工具类型主要由侧面修饰的刀片和小刀片组成。刻痕,小齿,穿孔和截断的代表性较低。找不到微石。与埃斯特雷马杜拉新石器时代早期可获得的相对可靠的证据相反,对该时期的后期知之甚少。最明显的特征可能是细长的坯件的尺寸增加,这可在新石器时代中期和晚期的许多组合中发现。该地区新石器时代中期墓地的坯料的形态计量学和工艺研究发现了两个主要尺寸组:一个较小的尺寸组(长度为2.5-10.0 cm,宽度为0.8-2.0 cm)和一个更坚固的尺寸组(12.0-18.0 cm)长,宽1.8-2.8厘米)。一个属性也标志着两者之间的区别:后一组没有热处理。迄今为止,由于缺乏研究,来自居住环境的证据还不清楚。但是,所有这些似乎都表明,在其他居住区,拉长的碎片与在Meu Jardim所发现的类似。在形态技术特征上引入更多可变性的一个因素是,在某些地方存在双极敲打现象,以生产非常小的和不规则的叶片,即所谓的“双极方法”(参见Carvalho 1998a中的定义)。在这些情况下,发现了较大的毛坯,这些毛坯可能是从火石产地附近的站点作为成品进口的,还有本地生产的较小,不规则的毛坯。Meu Jardim没有观察到这种策略。确实,该站点是相反情况的见证。总体而言,这些推论揭示了在新石器时代的埃斯特雷马杜拉中部关于火石开采和交换的高度多样化的经济和技术行为模式。