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Andesite and obsidian accessibility and distribution during the Holocene in north-west Santa Cruz province (south-central Patagonia), Argentina
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.2800
Mariana Sacchi , Damián Leandro Bozzuto , Ana Gabriela Guraieb , María Teresa Civalero , Nicolás Maveroff

This paper discusses different aspects related to the andesite and obsidian availability and circulation routes in different moments of the occupation sequence in the Pueyrredón-PosadasSalitroso (PPS) Lake Basin in the north, and the Burmeister-Belgrano (BB) Lake Basin to the south (north-west Santa Cruz province, Argentinian Patagonia). The distribution of raw materials both in space and time allows us to assert that potential regional circulation routes would have been affected differentially by the palaeolakes present from the Pleistocene up until the mid-Holocene. We are taking into account three sites: Cueva Milodón Norte 1 (CMN1), located in the northeast coast of the Pueyrredón Lake, Cerro de los Indios 1 (CI1) (central portion of the PPS Basin), and Cerro Casa de Piedra 7 (CCP7) (near to the Burmeister Lake). This investigation considers six periods, based on the calibrated ranges from 73 radiocarbon dates: 17 from CI1, 14 from CMN1, and 42 radiocarbon dates from CCP7. As a result of this analysis we can conclude that, in sites with a higher density of occupation such as CI1 and CCP7, the use of obsidian (non-local rock) and andesite or basalt did not vary over time. In the case of CMN1, access to the sources of these raw materials varied according to the presence of large bodies of water, although it does not seem to have influenced the procurement of these rocks.



本文讨论了北部Pueyrredón-PosadasSalitroso(PPS)湖盆地和南部Burmeister-Belgrano(BB)湖盆地在占领序列不同时刻安山岩和黑曜石的有效性以及环流途径的不同方面。西北圣克鲁斯省,阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚)。原材料在空间和时间上的分布使我们可以断言,从更新世直到全新世中期,古湖存在着潜在的区域循环路径。我们考虑了以下三个地点:位于Pueyrredón湖东北海岸的CuevaMilodónNorte 1(CMN1),Cerro de los Indios 1(CI1)(PPS盆地的中部地区)和Cerro Casa de Piedra 7( CCP7)(在Burmeister湖附近)。这项研究基于73个放射性碳数据的校准范围,考虑了6个时期:CI1的17个,CMN1的14个,CCP7的42个放射性碳的校准时间。分析的结果可以得出结论,在诸如CI1和CCP7等具有较高占领密度的地点,黑曜石(非本地岩石)和安山岩或玄武岩的使用不会随时间变化。就CMN1而言,虽然似乎没有影响到这些岩石的采购,但根据是否存在大量水体,获取这些原材料的来源也会有所不同。黑曜石(非本地岩石)和安山岩或玄武岩的使用不会随时间变化。就CMN1而言,虽然似乎没有影响到这些岩石的采购,但根据大量水的存在,获取这些原材料的来源也有所不同。黑曜石(非本地岩石)和安山岩或玄武岩的使用不会随时间变化。就CMN1而言,虽然似乎没有影响到这些岩石的采购,但获取这些原材料的方式因存在大量水而有所不同。