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Microwear analysis of small recycled flakes and recycling products from the Ein-Zippori site, Lower Galilee, Israel
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.2668
Richard W. Yerkes , Yoni Parush , Avi Gopher , Ran Barkai

A microwear analysis of recycled lithic artefacts from late Pottery Neolithic Wadi Rabah and Early Bronze Age layers at Ein-Zippori, Israel included cores-on-flakes (COFs) which are discarded blanks made into cores, and the flakes detached from them. COFs may have microwear traces that formed before they were recycled. The focus here is on how blanks removed from recycled COFs were used. Discarded flakes were not used as cores to produce small blanks at Ein-Zippori because lithic raw material was scarce, but were COFs recycled so that small tools could be produced for specific tasks? Visible wear traces were present on 19 of 44 blanks produced from COFs. Microwear traces were similar to use wear Lemorini et al. (2015) observed on much older Lower Paleolithic recycled flakes from Qesem Cave, Israel. Most flakes struck from COFs had been used to cut and scrape meat and fresh hide (42%, n=8), but four were used to work wood (21%) and four others were used to cut, scrape, or whittle bone and wood (21%), and two were used for butchering and wood working (11%). One flake only had generic weak microwear traces (5%). These were expedient flake tools, made and used in an ad hoc fashion. Specific blanks do not seem to have been used for distinct tasks.



对以色列Ein-Zippori的晚期陶器新石器时代Wadi Rabah和早期青铜时代层的回收石器物进行的微磨损分析包括片状芯(COF),这些芯被丢弃为坯料,并从中分离出薄片。COF可能具有在回收之前形成的微磨损痕迹。这里的重点是如何使用从回收COF中去除的毛坯。在Ein-Zippori,因为片状原材料稀缺,没有将废弃的薄片用作生产小坯料的核心,但是COF是否被回收利用,以便可以为特定任务生产小工具?在COF生产的44个毛坯中,有19个存在可见的磨损痕迹。微磨损痕迹类似于使用Lemorini等人的磨损。(2015年)观察到来自以色列Qesem Cave的更旧的旧石器时代的再生鳞片。从COF刮下的大多数薄片都用于切割和刮削肉类和新鲜的生皮(42%,n = 8),但是有四个用于加工木材(21%),另外四个用于切割,刮擦或削骨。木材(21%),其中两个用于屠宰和木材加工(11%)。一只薄片只有微弱的普通磨损痕迹(5%)。这些是方便的薄片工具,以临时方式制造和使用。似乎没有特定的空白用于不同的任务。