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Recycling in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age: evidence of flint recycling at Ein-Zippori, Israel
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.2666
Yoni Parush , Richard Yerkes , Bar Efrati , Ran Barkai , Gopher Avi

This paper presents a new techno-typological analysis of a sample of small flakes that were produced through recycling from discarded blanks at the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age site of Ein-Zippori, Lower Galilee, Israel. This study shows that the systematic production of small flakes from previously discarded blanks was not related to a scarcity in raw materials, but rather to specific decisions concerning the types of tools needed to complete necessary tasks. These results are supported by use-wear analysis noted briefly here and presented in more detail in a separate paper. The results indicate that recycling was a significant lithic production trajectory during the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Recycling also contributes to the variability in lithic assemblages from those cultural periods.


