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L’évolution du débitage d’éclats au Néolithique ancien et Moyen I en Haute-Normandie
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.v4i2.2540
Miguel Biard , Caroline Riche

For many decades, a number of sites from the Early Neolithic (Villeneuve-Saint-Germain) and Middle Neolithic (Cerny and northern Chasseen) periods have been discovered in Upper Normandy. Three of them have been recently excavated and the subject of technological descriptions (Aubevoye “La Chartreuse”, Saint-Pierre-d’Autils “Le Plaquis” and Porte-Joie “La Couture aux Rois, zone C”). The lithic assemblages of these periods are sometimes distinguished by the production of regular and long blades by indirect percussion while the rest of assemblages are characterized by a domestic laminar production and flake debitage. These productions were initially and often described as expedient or opportunistic. This contribution tries to put forward new characters to specify the evolution of this debitage, its objectives of production and the transformation of the products. Thus, based on the study of 8 sites from Upper Normandy dated to Blicquy-Villeneuve-Saint-Germain and Cerny, the authors describe the main characteristics of the flake debitage identified in Upper Normandy. For this production, the first observation is the exploitation of raw materials of poor quality often located nearby. Some sites demonstrate the exploitation of freeze cracked blocks although flint of much better quality was accessible. Others are characterized by a strong use of fragments. There is a non-rigorous selection of blocks and many methods of debitage - unipolar, multidirectional and bipolar - which is rather basic and certainly not standardized. Volume shaping process indicators are totally absent or difficult to identify. The method is to open a unique platform. Then, each angle is exploited until the required number of flakes is obtained or until the full exploitation of the core. The specificities of the flake production (lack of standardization, technical errors, lack of maintenance of volumes, etc.), as well as their unattractive and unsuccessful aspects, made us reflect on the techniques that were used. The hypothesis of a flint hammerstone is here proposed and validated by experimentation. At the studied sites, the disfigured appearance of the cores, the recurrence of percussion marks on the cores and the cassons (shattered fragments), the lack of standardization of the fragments and the degraded appearance of the butts constitute for the authors the main indications of this technique. The authors also underline an opportunistic selection of tool blanks - morphometric variability of the modules – and an adaptation of the retouching blanks into the type of tool. The tools are retouched in large majority from fragments without any standardization. The domestic tools assemblage includes a dozen categories which correspond to the tool types already well known for the Early and Middle Neolithic. Some could be assigned at the chrono-cultural characterization of Early Neolithic - offset burin (burin decale) and Kombewa flake with semi-abrupt “raclette” retouch - and of the Middle Neolithic - increased fluting and backed retouch pieces. These tools sometimes make use of singular technical processes - the offset burin for example. The production of flakes observed at the sites of the Early and Middle Neolithic of Upper Normandy thus refers to a simple "techno-economic system" with productions from small flakes. However, the authors point out the objectives of this production by the search for raw sharp edges, curved parts, angles of attack necessary for all daily activities and the transformation of required materials.



几十年来,在上诺曼底发现了新石器时代早期(维伦纽夫-圣日耳曼)和新石器时代中期(Cerny和Chasseen北部)的许多遗址。最近已经挖掘了其中三个,并进行了技术描述(Aubevoye“ La Chartreuse”,Saint-Pierre-d'Autils“ Le Plaquis”和Porte-Joie“ La Couture aux Rois,C区)”。这些时期的石器组合有时以间接敲击生产规则而长的叶片为特征,而其余的组合则以国内层流生产和薄片借记为特征。这些产品起初是经常被描述为权宜之计或机会主义的。这项贡献试图提出新的特征以指明这种借记的演变,其生产目标和产品转换。因此,根据对上诺曼底的8个站点进行的研究(日期分别为Blicquy-Villeneuve-Saint-Germain和Cerny),作者描述了上诺曼底发现的薄片借记卡的主要特征。对于这种生产,首先要观察的是对经常位于附近的劣质原材料的开采。尽管可以得到质量更好的火石,但一些站点显示出利用了冷冻裂块。其他的特点是大量使用碎片。区块选择不严格,借记方法很多(单极,多向和双极),这很基本,当然也没有标准化。体积成型过程指标完全不存在或难以识别。方法是打开一个独特的平台。然后,利用每个角度,直到获得所需数量的薄片或直到完全利用岩心为止。薄片生产的特殊性(缺乏标准化,技术错​​误,缺乏量的维护等)以及它们缺乏吸引力和不成功的方面,使我们对所使用的技术进行了反思。本文提出了火石锤石的假设,并通过实验进行了验证。在研究的地点,岩心的外观被破坏,岩心和棺材上的敲击痕迹(破碎的碎片)再次出现,碎片的标准化程度不足以及枪头的外观退化,这是作者的主要指征。这种技术。作者还强调了工具坯料的机会性选择-模块的形态计量可变性-以及修饰的坯料适应工具类型。这些工具大部分都是从片段进行修饰的,没有进行任何标准化。家用工具组合包括十几个类别,对应于早在新石器时代中期和中中期就已经众所周知的工具类型。在新石器时代早期的时变文化特征中,可以用半突然的“ raclette”润饰掩盖松质(burin decale)和Kombewa片;在新石器中部,则可以分配出长笛和后盖润饰。这些工具有时会使用单一的技术流程-例如胶印。因此,在上诺曼底新石器时代早期和中期发现的薄片生产是指一种简单的“技术经济体系”,其中包括小薄片的生产。但是,作者通过寻找原始锋利的边缘,弯曲的部分,所有日常活动所需的攻角以及所需材料的转换来指出该产品的目标。