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« La réussite d’une production repose sur l’attention prêtée aux détails »: l’exemple des débitages lamellaires par méthode du Raysse (Gravettien moyen, France)
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.v4i2.2547
Laurent Klaric

This paper aims to present the last developments about Raysse-burin cores, Picardie bladelets and Raysse bladelets, three typical artefacts of the second stage of French Middle Gravettian a.k.a the “Rayssian” phase (who just follows the classical Noaillian). Through a brief state of the art, reminding how Raysse burins have been discovered by L. Pradel in the 50’s and later described by H.L. Movius and N. David in the 80’s, we will set out how these artefacts have finally been interpreted as burin core. Indeed, technological studies of the beginning of the XXIth century have demonstrated that these so-called “burins” are real bladelet cores for the production of lithic implements now called “Picardie bladelets”. These bladelets are sharp, pointed, elongated and show a dissymmetric section. They are sometimes slightly twisted. All specimens exhibit a simple marginal direct retouch (not necessarily continuous) lateralised on the right side of the microlith. Thanks to the presence of impact fractures, they are interpreted as weapon implements. These artefacts usually replace microgravettes and abrupt backed bladelets in several sites studied (e.g., La Picardie or Reindeer cave). In order to underline the role of the technological approach in this study about the Rayssian phase, we will remind the main technological principles that rule the production on a Raysse burin core. We will also give details about the technical features that allow their recognition in new lithic assemblages, providing relevant examples lately identified in different sites freshly excavated (Bouyssonie cave) or recently re-excavated (Maldidier cave, Les Fieux) and in old collections reassessed (Laussel). Afterwards, based on some archaeological examples (La Picardie, Reindeer cave, Solvieux), we will focus on the morphological, dimensionnal and technical variability of the Picardie bladelets and the Raysse-burin cores. From on site to another, these artefacts tend to exhibit clear dimensional and sometimes technical variability. For example, the comparison of la Picardie and the Reeinder cave bladelets reveals a great variation of dimension. Several hypothesis will be proposed to bring up leads that could explain such a variability. Finally we will detail briefly the main original features and differences we have noticed during our previous investigations conducted these last ten years. In addition, experimental reconstitutions and technological studies of Raysse-burin cores also lead to a better understanding of discreet technical key-details of this original method of debitage. We will focus on the question of the preparation of the patform on Raysse burin core as well as on the type of hammer used for the removal of the bladelets and the kinetic of the gesture required to perform a successful removal. In the conclusion we will examine the consequences of this better understanding of Raysse burin cores technology. We will discuss the reasons that could explain the emergence and the short life-time of this peculiar type of debitage. The major advantage of this method of production lies in the high degree of predetermination of the products obtained asthey finally do not require a high degree of retouch to achieve a functional implement. On the other hand, a disadvantage lies on the lack of flexibility of the chaine operatoire. In term of transmission it is very likely that this method is not so easy to transmit, learn properly. The high number of parameters to master in order to reproduce successfully this method may have been a problem for its spreading. In other words, this peculiar method may have evolved quickly into other forms of more flexible debitage because of it was too much constraining.


«Laréussited'une production repose sur l'attentionprêtéeauxdétails»:l'exemple desdébitageslamellaires parméthodedu Raysse(法国Gravettien moyen)

本文旨在介绍有关Raysse-burin核,Picardie叶片和Raysse叶片的最新进展,这是法国中Gravettian第二阶段又称为“ Rayssian”阶段(紧随经典Noaillian)的三个典型人工制品。通过简要的介绍,提醒人们L. Pradel在50年代发现了Raysse burins,后来在80年代HL Movius和N. David对其进行了描述,我们将阐述如何最终将这些手工艺品解释为burin 。的确,对二十一世纪初的技术研究表明,这些所谓的“小圆面包”是用于生产石器的真正的小叶片核心,现在被称为“皮卡迪小叶片”。这些小叶片锋利,尖锐,细长并且显示出不对称的截面。它们有时会稍微扭曲。所有样品在微石块的右侧均呈现出简单的边缘直接修饰(不一定是连续的)。由于存在冲击破裂,它们被解释为武器工具。这些人工制品通常在一些研究地点(例如,拉皮卡第(La Picardie)或驯鹿洞)中取代了微凹版和突然倒退的小叶片。为了强调该技术方法在本研究中有关雷西相的作用,我们将提醒主要的技术原理,这些原则主导着雷西松质岩心的生产。我们还将提供详细的技术特征,以使它们能够在新的石器组合中得到认可,并提供最近在不同地点(刚开挖(Bouyssonie洞穴)或最近重新挖掘(Maldidier洞穴,Les Fieux)并重新评估了旧收藏(Laussel)。然后,基于一些考古实例(拉皮卡第,莱恩德洞穴,索维耶),我们将着重研究皮卡第小叶片和Raysse-Burin岩心的形态,尺寸和技术变异性。从现场到另一个,这些文物往往会表现出清晰的尺寸,有时还会出现技术上的变化。例如,la Picardie和Reeinder洞穴小叶片的比较揭示了尺寸的巨大差异。将提出几个假设来提出可以解释这种可变性的线索。最后,我们将简要介绍在过去十年中进行的先前调查中发现的主要原始特征和差异。此外,Raysse-Burin岩心的实验性重构和技术研究还可以使人们更好地理解这种原始借记方法的谨慎的技术细节。我们将专注于在Raysse burin核芯上准备棒状胶纸的问题,以及用于拆除小叶片的锤子类型以及成功拆除所需的手势动力学问题。在结论中,我们将研究对Raysse burin核心技术的更好理解的后果。我们将讨论可以解释这种特殊类型借记的出现和寿命短的原因。这种生产方法的主要优点在于对所获得产品的高度预定性,因为最终不需要高度修饰即可获得功能性器具。另一方面,缺点是链式手术缺乏灵活性。在传输方面,这种方法不太容易传输,正确学习。为了成功地重现此方法,需要掌握大量参数,这可能是其传播的问题。换句话说,这种特殊的方法可能会因为约束太多而迅速发展为其他形式的更灵活的借方。