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Grey zones of production: Discussing the technology of tools at the Lojanik quarry in west-central Serbia
Journal of Lithic Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.2804
Vera Bogosavljević Petrović , Anđa Petrović , Jovan Galfi , Divna Jovanović , Đorđe Radonjić

Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of how the function of non-diagnostic pieces could be determined through technological and use-wear analysis. In this study, we present the examples of surface clusters and artefacts from stratigraphic layers. Our attention is focused on the prevailing category of fragmented raw materials in the initial phase of knapping, preforms, debris, shattered pieces of anthropogenic origin and an immense number of artefacts and geofacts. The study of mines and quarries, as well as distribution of the raw materials that come from the central Balkans is an understudied phenomenon. Flaked stone artefacts found on the outcrops of the Lojanik hilltop is a good example of how we can apply technological, petrological and use-wear analysis on this type of site. Keeping in mind the loose context of the finds, as well as the lack of any datable material, this issue has to be approached with a lot of caution, since the locality itself seems to show human presence during Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic. The main focus of the study was put on the prevailing categories linked to the initial extraction of raw material on the site, as well as initial steps of shaping the raw material into cores. Samples were collected from several outcrops and so-called workshops from two localities of the hilltop: Lojanik 1 and Lojanik 2. The focal points of interest are categories that include waste, shatter, technical or shaping flakes. Worked pieces of raw material are now in the central position, and the study of these pieces have opened new grounds for this and similar occurrences - the study of so-called “grey zones” of production.



在塞尔维亚中西部采石场Lojanik上发现的片状石器物是如何通过技术和使用磨损分析来确定非诊断性物品功能的很好例子。在这项研究中,我们提供了地层的表面簇和伪影的例子。我们的注意力集中在初始阶段的主要零碎原材料类别,瓶坯,碎屑,人为破碎的碎片以及大量的人工制品和地理制品。对矿山和采石场以及来自巴尔干中部的原材料的分布的研究是一种被忽视的现象。在Lojanik山顶的露头上发现的片状人造石制品就是一个很好的例子,说明了我们如何在这种类型的场地上进行技术,岩石学和使用磨损分析。考虑到这些发现的局限性以及缺少任何可获取数据的资料,必须谨慎处理这一问题,因为该地区本身似乎在旧石器时代,新石器时代和中石器时代都表现出人类的存在。研究的主要重点放在了与现场原材料的初始提取有关的主要类别,以及将原材料成型为岩心的初始步骤。样品是从山顶两个地方的几个露头和所谓的车间收集的:Lojanik 1和Lojanik2。关注的焦点是废物,粉碎,技术或成型薄片等类别。加工好的原材料现在处于中心位置,