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Replenishing and Recycling an Exhausted History in Lydia R. Diamond’s Voyeurs de Venus
Journal of Literary Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2019.1657284
Mehdi Ghasemi 1, 2

Summary In this article, I offer an analysis of Lydia R. Diamond's Voyeurs de Venus and argue that the replenishment of Saartjie Baartman's hilstory by Diamond can provide alternative perspectives to that exhausted piece of hilstory. In my analysis, I explore the ways that Diamond uses to flashlight the dark and unknown areas in the life of this historical figure. I demonstrate how the repetition and revision of that hilstory links the present to the past and helps the playwright to make a comparison between the status of black women at different eras and areas. Since the play draws upon a strong feminist potential to interrogate the intersectional concerns of race, sex, class and gender, I also approach the play from the standpoints of intersectionality. I argue that the intersections of race, sex, class and gender have five outcomes or "Penta Ps," namely the promotion of white male scientists and white race, the privilege of whiteness, the perversion of the black female body, culture and race, the profit of white masters, and the pleasure of white male spectators and owners.


在 Lydia R. Diamond 的《Voyeurs de Venus》中补充和回收枯竭的历史

总结 在这篇文章中,我分析了 Lydia R. Diamond 的 Voyeurs de Venus,并认为 Diamond 对 Saartjie Baartman 的历史故事的补充可以为那篇枯竭的历史故事提供另一种视角。在我的分析中,我探索了戴蒙德用来照亮这个历史人物生活中黑暗和未知领域的方式。我展示了那个历史故事的重复和修订如何将现在与过去联系起来,并帮助剧作家比较不同时代和地区的黑人女性的地位。由于该剧利用强大的女权主义潜力来质疑种族、性别、阶级和性别的交叉关注,因此我也从交叉的角度来看待这部剧。我认为种族、性别的交集,