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Savouring What Remains of the World’s Wildness: John Muir, Tree-Climbing, and Experiential, Outdoor Education
Journal of Literary Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2019.1690812
Scott Slovic 1

Summary Those who love the natural world have plenty to despair about in today’s world, as wildlands are carved into housing tracts and plumbed for oil and species after species are driven to extinction – a world in which we may well be warming ourselves to extinction. In the face of this daunting reality, I often find myself, as a teacher and scholar of environmental literature, turning to American author John Muir (1838-1914) for solace and inspiration. I also use Muir prominently in my teaching, especially when working with students in the Semester in the Wild Program of the University of Idaho – an experiential outdoor learning opportunity in the wildest region of the United States, apart from Alaska. One of the central texts of my course on environmental writing is John Muir’s “A Wind-Storm in the Forests”, which first appeared in Muir’s 1894 book The Mountains of California. Muir’s essay approaches botanical science in a full-bodied, emotionally engaged way, using a violent windstorm in the high mountains as a way to learn about trees – and also about the physical sensation of viewing and listening to wind, experiencing risk, and contemplating the meaning of wildness. The lessons of Muir’s passionate essay remain salutary, even necessary, in the twenty-first century.



总结 那些热爱自然世界的人在当今世界有很多值得绝望的地方,因为在物种濒临灭绝之后,荒地被雕刻成住宅区,并为石油和物种提供管道——在这个世界中,我们很可能正在让自己升温以致灭绝。面对这一令人生畏的现实,作为一名环境文学教师和学者,我经常发现自己向美国作家约翰·缪尔(John Muir,1838-1914 年)寻求安慰和启发。我也在我的教学中突出使用缪尔,尤其是在爱达荷大学野外学期项目中与学生一起工作时——这是除阿拉斯加以外美国最荒野地区的体验式户外学习机会。我的环境写作课程的中心文本之一是约翰缪尔的“森林中的风暴”,它首次出现在缪尔 1894 年的著作《加利福尼亚山脉》中。缪尔的文章以一种全面的、情感投入的方式接近植物科学,利用高山上的猛烈风暴来了解树木——以及观察和聆听风的身体感觉,体验风险,并思考野性的意思。在 21 世纪,缪尔热情洋溢的文章的教训仍然有益,甚至是必要的。