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Dis-locations and Re-locations: Christopher Isherwood and the Search for the “Home Self”
Journal of Literary Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2020.1738720
Victor Marsh 1

Summary British expatriate writer Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) spent more than half his life in California. In addition to his work with the Hollywood movie studios he continued to publish novels, travel writing and four autobiographies, the last of which, My Guru and His Disciple, was published in 1980. Given the notoriety that had accrued following the publication of his earlier, “out” autobiography, Christopher and His Kind (1976), following which he was fêted as a literary standard bearer for the Gay Liberation movement, for him to provide testimony of his religious life was in direct contravention of the prevailing discourses that would cast unapologetically “queer” men as pariahs from religious communities, at least in those groups adhering to the Abrahamic lineages. The marginalisation extended into other fields, too, including psychological medicine, which interpreted sexual orientations beyond the standard binary model as pathological, examples of failure along the normatively-defined pathway of “healthy” psycho-sexual development. Worse, in this late testimonio, he was acknowledging training in an alien, Vedanta tradition which positioned him well beyond the conventional fold of the Anglican, Christian religion of his upbringing. Isherwood found his way “home” through the sincere study of the teachings of the non-dual Advaita Vedanta under the guidance of his guru – Swami Prabhavananda, of the Ramakrishna Order of monks – who presided over a temple in Hollywood, California. This article investigates how his Vedanta study, sustained over forty years, enabled Isherwood to realise a deep connection to a “home” that had less to do with geography, culture, or family ties than with a deep, internal re-orientation that shifts the notion of a personal self into a re-alignment with the unified field of consciousness that underpins all life forms.



概要 英国外籍作家克里斯托弗·伊舍伍德(Christopher Isherwood,1904-1986)在加利福尼亚度过了大半生。除了与好莱坞电影制片厂合作外,他还继续出版小说、旅行写作和四本自传,其中最后一本《我的导师和他的门徒》于 1980 年出版。 ,“出局”的自传,克里斯托弗和他的同类 (1976),随后他被尊为同性恋解放运动的文学旗手,因为他提供了他的宗教生活的见证,这直接违背了主流话语毫无歉意的“酷儿”男人是来自宗教社区的贱民,至少在那些坚持亚伯拉罕血统的群体中是这样。边缘化也延伸到其他领域,包括心理医学,它将超越标准二元模型的性取向解释为病理性的,沿着规范定义的“健康”心理-性发展途径失败的例子。更糟糕的是,在这个晚期的证词中,他承认接受了外星吠檀多传统的训练,这使他远远超出了他成长过程中的英国圣公会的传统基督教信仰。伊舍伍德在他的导师——罗摩克里希那修士会的斯瓦米·帕巴瓦南达(Swami Prabhavananda)的指导下,通过真诚研究非双重Advaita Vedanta的教义,找到了“回家”的路,他主持了加利福尼亚好莱坞的一座寺庙。本文调查了他持续四十多年的吠檀多研究如何使伊舍伍德意识到与“家”的深层联系,而这与地理、文化、