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‘Why Read Literature?’: Appeasing the Appetite for Play
Journal of Language, Literature and Culture ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20512856.2018.1443630
Nicholas O. Pagan 1

ABSTRACT This article begins by questioning the ethical turn in literary studies (Hillis Miller, Attridge) and suggests that this redirection has tended to downplay the importance of what Friedrich Schiller had labelled ‘the play-drive’ (Spieltrieb). Drawing on neuroscientist Jaak Panskepp's findings concerning the primacy of the play instincts, the article focuses on Wolfgang Iser's ‘literary anthropology’ and a theory of reading that can describe games played by authors and readers in what, following Freud, may be called a ‘playground’ (Tummelplatz). Iser's concepts ‘the fictive’ and ‘the imaginary’ are then placed alongside traditional concepts from play theory to explore an extract from Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye in which the protagonist plays with and dismembers a doll. This analysis appropriates, in particular, Iser's ideas in order to highlight the fundamentally playful nature of our engagement with literature.



摘要本文首先对文学研究的伦理学转向提出质疑(Hillis Miller,Attridge),并建议这种转向倾向于低估弗里德里希·席勒(Friedrich Schiller)所称的“娱乐驱动”(Spieltrieb)的重要性。借鉴神经科学家Jaak Panskepp关于戏剧本能至上的发现,本文着重于Wolfgang Iser的“文学人类学”和一种可以描述作者和读者所玩游戏的阅读理论,在弗洛伊德之后,这种游戏可能被称为“游乐场”。 '(Tummelplatz)。然后将Iser的“虚构”和“虚构”概念与游戏理论中的传统概念放在一起,以探索Toni Morrison的《最蓝的眼睛》的摘录,其中主角与一个玩偶一起玩耍并肢解一个玩偶。这种分析特别适合Iser'