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A Pedagogy of Humanist Moral Education: The Educational Thought of Janusz Korczak
Journal of Jewish Education Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2019.1638743
Jan Katzew

The educational thought and practice of Janusz Korczak (nee Hendrik Goldszmit: 1878–1942) is the subject of a significant, cogently argued, yet challenging book by Marc Silverman titled A Pedagogy of Humanist Moral Education: The Educational Thought of Janusz Korczak. Paradoxically, more people know about Korczak’s death than his life. The iconic relief at the entrance to the Children’s Museum at Yad VaShem in Jerusalem depicts an adult male holding two children in his arms, surrounded and followed by even more children who are in his loving care. This tragic, indelible image of a martyr animated by an undying love of children is the dominant one associated with Janusz Korczak. Refusing repeated offers to save his own life, Korczak led approximately 200 children who lived with him in the Warsaw ghetto orphanage where he served as educator and doctor to trains that would take them all to Treblinka. Silverman quotes Bruno Bettleheim twice – once in the introduction and once again in the conclusion – effectively bookending a perception that has overshadowed Korczak’s contributions to educational thought and practice.



Janusz Korczak (nee Hendrik Goldszmit: 1878–1942) 的教育思想和实践是马克·西尔弗曼 (Marc Silverman) 的一本重要的、有说服力的、但具有挑战性的书的主题,该书名为《人文主义道德教育的教学法:Janusz Korczak 的教育思想》。矛盾的是,更多的人知道 Korczak 的死而不是他的生。耶路撒冷 Yad VaShem 儿童博物馆入口处的标志性浮雕描绘了一名成年男性抱着两个孩子,周围还有更多的孩子在他的悉心照料下。这个悲惨的、不可磨灭的殉道者形象是由对孩子的不朽之爱所激发的,这是与雅努兹·科尔扎克相关的主要形象。拒绝一再提出挽救自己生命的提议,Korczak 带领着大约 200 名与他一起住在华沙隔都孤儿院的儿童,在那里他担任教育家和医生,将他们全部带到特雷布林卡。西尔弗曼两次引用布鲁诺·贝特尔海姆的话——一次在引言中,一次在结论中——有效地否定了一种已经掩盖了科尔扎克对教育思想和实践的贡献的看法。