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Playing Indian at Jewish Summer Camp: Lessons on Tribalism, Assimilation, and Spirituality
Journal of Jewish Education ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2018.1522580
David S. Koffman

ABSTRACT Indian play at North American Jewish summer camps offered three sets of overlapping lessons. First, by providing activities created and understood as respite from urban pressures, including donning and removing so-called primitive faux-tribal identities, camps reinforced Jewish urban, modernist values and virtues. Second, as Indian play recapitulated the colonial process that had displaced actual Indigenous people to make room for the White, European settlers—Jews included—it provided Jews a vehicle to perform assimilatory and nationalistic sentiments. Finally, playing Indian offered camp staff members techniques for imparting visceral and emotional engagement with forms of spirituality they thought campers could absorb, particularly ones that overlapped with Jewish notions of Creation.



摘要 北美犹太夏令营的印度戏剧提供了三套重叠的课程。首先,通过提供创造和理解为缓解城市压力的活动,包括穿上和去除所谓的原始假部落身份,营地加强了犹太城市、现代主义的价值观和美德。其次,由于印度戏剧再现了殖民过程,该过程使真正的土著人流离失所,为白人、欧洲定居者(包括犹太人)腾出空间,它为犹太人提供了一种表达同化和民族主义情绪的工具。最后,玩印第安人为营地工作人员提供了一种技巧,可以通过他们认为营员可以吸收的灵性形式来传达发自内心和情感上的参与,尤其是那些与犹太创造观念重叠的形式。