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Editor’s Note
Journal of Jewish Education ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2020.1711646
Helena Miller 1

Historical narrative in Jewish education highlights personalities, demography, politics, curriculum, and educational thought and practice. By chance, this issue of the Journal of Jewish Education is bookended by essays that reflect aspects of such narrative, albeit it in different ways. The front of the issue presents a suite of papers by Barry Holtz and Jonathan Cohen, which explore and reflect on the work of Seymour Fox (1929–2006) and Joseph Lukinsky (1930–2009). In his introduction, “The CollectedWritings of Joseph Lukinsky and Seymour Fox: A Personal Introduction,”Holtz explains how Jonathan Cohen, who had been Fox’s doctoral student, edited the collection of Fox’s writings Visions in Action and Holtz, together with David Kahn, edited the collection of Lukinsky’s writings Maybe the Lies We Tell Are Really True. By coincidence, both of these volumes were published in 2016, and both Cohen and Holtz, at the inspirational instigation of Holtz, agreed to write a piece for the Journal—Cohen reflecting on the Lukinsky collection and Holtz reflecting on the Fox collection. What emerged and is published here is a celebration of the achievements of two influential Jewish educational thinkers in the 20th century, Cohen’s essay “Dimensions of Time in the Jewish Educational Thought of Joseph Lukinsky: Reflections onMaybe the LiesWe Tell Are Really True,” edited by Barry Holtz and David Kahn (JTS, New York 2016) explores the notion of time, particularly the relationship between the dimensions of past and present, and shows how it can serve as a focus to explore Lukinsky’s insights. Lukinsky understands revelation as an extended event, leading to the growth and modification of Torah. Cohen shows us how, according to Lukinsky, each temporal occasion within which such a process occurs is to be thought of as an event of revelation. This means that revelation can be experienced as flowing from the past into the present. Holtz explores Fox’s writings and thoughts in his essay “Beyond Institution-Building: Seymour Fox as an Educational Thinker: Reflections on Visions in Action: Selected Writings edited by Jonathan Cohen (Mandel Foundation/Keter, 2016). Holtz acknowledges that Cohen has presented the case for Fox not only as a great institution-builder and academic entrepreneur but as a profound educational thinker who influenced generations of his students and colleagues. Holtz shows how Cohen unpacks the depth and complexity of Fox’s work, guiding the reader’s experience in encountering this volume. By collecting Fox’s writings and demonstrating in his introduction the importance of Fox’s contribution to both the thought and activities of Jewish education, Cohen has honored his teacher’s memory and done all of us in the field a great service. Through these important reflections on each other’s collections of Fox and Lukinsky, Holtz and Cohen have added a rich layer of understanding and perceptiveness, so insightful to the contemporary world of Jewish education research and practice. The back of the issue presents a book review essay by Jennifer Rich, which reflects on a suite of four recent books on Holocaust education. The books she has reviewed for the Journal of Jewish Education look at different issues around practice and approaches in teaching the Holocaust. She reflects that it is reasonable for teachers to feel trepidation around complex and challenging history. This is not a reason, however, to avoid teaching



犹太教育中的历史叙事突出了个性、人口、政治、课程以及教育思想和实践。偶然地,本期《犹太教育杂志》的书尾收录了反映此类叙事各个方面的文章,尽管以不同的方式。本期封面展示了 Barry Holtz 和 Jonathan Cohen 的一系列论文,探索和反思了 Seymour Fox(1929-2006)和 Joseph Lukinsky(1930-2009)的工作。在他的介绍“约瑟夫·卢金斯基和西摩·福克斯的作品集:个人介绍”中,霍尔茨解释了福克斯的博士生乔纳森·科恩如何与大卫·卡恩一起编辑福克斯的作品《行动中的愿景》和霍尔茨的作品集。卢金斯基作品集也许我们说的谎言是真的。碰巧,这两本书均于 2016 年出版,科恩和霍尔茨在霍尔茨鼓舞人心的鼓动下,同意为《华尔街日报》撰写一篇文章——科恩反思 Lukinsky 收藏和霍尔茨反思 Fox 收藏。这里出现并出版的是对 20 世纪两位有影响力的犹太教育思想家成就的庆祝,科恩的文章“约瑟夫·卢金斯基犹太教育思想中的时间维度:反思也许我们讲的谎言是真的”,编辑Barry Holtz 和 David Kahn(JTS,纽约,2016 年)探讨了时间的概念,尤其是过去和现在维度之间的关系,并展示了如何将其作为探索 Lukinsky 见解的焦点。Lukinsky 将启示理解为一个扩展事件,导致 Torah 的成长和修改。根据卢金斯基的说法,科恩向我们展示了如何将发生这种过程的每个时间场合视为启示事件。这意味着启示可以被体验为从过去流入现在。霍尔茨在他的文章“超越制度建设:西摩福克斯作为教育思想家:对行动愿景的反思:乔纳森科恩编辑的精选著作”(曼德尔基金会/凯特,2016 年)中探讨了福克斯的著作和思想。霍尔茨承认,科恩为福克斯提供的案例不仅是一位伟大的机构建设者和学术企业家,也是一位深刻的教育思想家,影响了他的几代学生和同事。Holtz 展示了 Cohen 如何解开 Fox 作品的深度和复杂性,引导读者体验本书。通过收集福克斯的著作并在他的介绍中展示福克斯对犹太教育思想和活动的贡献的重要性,科恩纪念了他的老师,并为该领域的我们所有人做出了巨大贡献。通过对彼此的 Fox 和 Lukinsky 收藏的这些重要反思,Holtz 和 Cohen 增加了丰富的理解和洞察力,对当代犹太教育研究和实践世界非常有见地。本期背面展示了詹妮弗·里奇 (Jennifer Rich) 的一篇书评文章,其中反映了最近出版的四本关于大屠杀教育的书籍。她为《犹太教育杂志》评论的书籍着眼于围绕大屠杀教学实践和方法的不同问题。她反映,教师对复杂和具有挑战性的历史感到恐惧是合理的。然而,这不是避免教学的理由