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Havruta Goes to University: Havruta-style Text Study in a College Education Class
Journal of Jewish Education ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2019.1558385
Rebecca Shargel

ABSTRACT This article presents original qualitative research applying paired text study, havruta learning, to the secular college classroom. I adapted this method to a first-year seminar in a public university and found that students perceived that havruta improved their abilities to verbalize their understandings through reading text aloud and debating one another, opened their eyes to new perspectives, engaged them in argumentation, and empowered them to take charge of learning. Despite students’ overall resoundingly positive reflections upon their havruta experience, I also inquired as to perceived disadvantages, which included unbalanced participation, discomfort with disagreeing, and agreement leading to stagnation. Strategies I posit to address these challenges include planning for and evaluating future havruta learning and evaluating the balance and quality of work of partners.


Havruta 上大学:大学教育课程中的 Havruta 式文本学习

摘要 本文介绍了将配对文本学习、havruta 学习应用于世俗大学课堂的原始定性研究。我将这种方法应用于一所公立大学的一年级研讨会,发现学生们认为 havruta 通过大声阅读文本和相互辩论提高了他们用语言表达理解的能力,开阔了他们的视野,让他们参与了辩论,以及授权他们负责学习。尽管学生们对他们的 havruta 体验总体上给出了非常积极的评价,但我也询问了他们感知到的劣势,包括参与不平衡、对不同意见感到不适​​以及导致停滞不前的同意。