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Cosmopolitan Encounters: Highly Skilled Latvians in London Problematise Ethnicity and ‘Eastern Europeanness’
Journal of Intercultural Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2020.1806800
Aija Lulle 1

ABSTRACT In this paper I analyse the cosmopolitan aspirations of highly skilled Latvian migrants residing in London. In particular, I explore the nuanced modalities of ethnicity and ‘Eastern Europeanness’ and how these inform everyday encounters with people from different ethnicities and races, and when meeting co-ethnics in a global city. These encounters are illustrated with data, drawn from 18 in-depth interviews with Latvian graduates in London. I argue that such encounters are shaped and informed by the post-Soviet heritage, emerging understandings of inter-racial encounters, hegemonic discourses of ‘East’ and ‘West’, all embedded in specific power relations.



摘要 在本文中,我分析了居住在伦敦的高技能拉脱维亚移民的国际化愿望。特别是,我探索了种族和“东欧性”的细微差别,以及这些如何影响与来自不同种族和种族的人们的日常接触,以及在全球城市中遇到同族人时的情况。这些遭遇用数据说明,这些数据来自对伦敦拉脱维亚毕业生的 18 次深度访谈。我认为,这种遭遇是由后苏联传统、对跨种族遭遇的新兴理解、“东方”和“西方”的霸权话语塑造和影响的,所有这些都嵌入在特定的权力关系中。