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Struggles and Growth in Mathematics Education: Reflections by Three Generations of Mathematicians On The Creation of the Computer Game E-Brock Bugs
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201701.06
Laura Broley , Chantal Buteau , Eric Muller

In the Fall of 2013 our team of three different generations of mathematicians launched the free, online E-Brock Bugs mathematics computer game [5] which we developed from an original probabilistic board game, Brock Bugs, and its digital learning object version. We constructed E-Brock Bugs using Devlin’s [9] mathematics computer game design principles for games that prompt players’ development of mathematical thinking. As we created E-Brock Bugs we found it necessary to go through an evolving cyclic process of design, implementation, and analysis. In this paper we reflect upon the main struggles we faced in this process and the unexpected personal growth that ensued in terms of our views and beliefs as mathematics educators. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Vol 7, No 1, January 2017 Laura Broley, Chantal Buteau, and Eric Muller 63



在2013年秋天,我们由三代不同的数学家组成的团队推出了免费的在线E-Brock Bugs数学计算机游戏[5],该游戏是我们从原始的概率棋盘游戏Brock Bugs及其数字学习对象版本开发而来的。我们使用Devlin [9]的数学计算机游戏设计原理构建了E-Brock Bug,以促进玩家发展数学思维。在创建E-Brock Bug时,我们发现有必要经历不断发展的设计,实施和分析的循环过程。在本文中,我们反思了在此过程中我们面临的主要斗争以及作为数学教育者的观点和信念所带来的意想不到的个人成长。人文数学杂志第7卷,第1期,2017年1月劳拉·布罗利(Laura Broley),尚塔尔·布托(Chantal Buteau)和埃里克·穆勒(Eric Muller)63