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A Framework for the Evaluation of the Feasibility of Public – Private Partnership in Local Government in Serbia
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.7341/20171341
Sladjana Benkovic , Nemanja Milanovic , Milos Milosavljevic

The adoption of the New Law for Local Government Financing is currently underway in a Serbian Parliament procedure. The goal of the new law is the creation of clear government regulations which will define the system of financing for local government entities. This will furthermore create an environment of stability and predictability with regard to revenue planning when preparing local government entities’ budgets, as well as achieving a vertical balance when distributing revenues amongst various state levels. Additionally, these goals are reflected in the establishment of a system to increase the share of public investment in the total expenses of counties and cities, as well as in the vertical balance with regard to the distribution of revenue and jurisdiction at various state levels. In that sense, it is preferable to understand financial models such as public-private partnerships, which have still not, to an adequate degree, been adopted in Serbia, but one which could potentially contribute to the introduction of additional sources of local government financing. In order to better perceive the current capacities of this model of financing local government in Serbia, a study was conducted during the spring and summer of 2016, taking into account a sample of 150 examinees. The results of the study indicate very low human resource and technical capacities in local government with regard to realizing and comprehending the concept of public-private partnership.



目前,塞尔维亚议会正在通过《地方政府融资新法》。新法律的目标是制定明确的政府法规,以定义地方政府实体的融资体系。在准备地方政府实体的预算时,这还将为收入计划创造一个稳定和可预测的环境,并且在各州之间分配收入时实现纵向平衡。此外,这些目标还体现在建立增加公共投资在县市总支出中所占份额的系统中,以及在各个州一级的收入分配和管辖权的纵向平衡上。从这个意义上讲 最好能理解诸如公私伙伴关系之类的财务模型,塞尔维亚尚未充分采用这种财务模型,但是这种模型有可能有助于引入更多的地方政府融资来源。为了更好地了解这种为塞尔维亚地方政府提供资金的模式的当前能力,在2016年春季和夏季进行了一项研究,其中包括150名考生的样本。研究结果表明,地方政府在实现和理解公私伙伴关系概念方面的人力资源和技术能力非常低。但可能有可能有助于引入更多地方政府融资来源。为了更好地了解这种为塞尔维亚地方政府提供资金的模式的当前能力,在2016年春季和夏季进行了一项研究,其中包括150名考生的样本。研究结果表明,地方政府在实现和理解公私伙伴关系概念方面的人力资源和技术能力非常低。但可能有可能有助于引入更多地方政府融资来源。为了更好地了解这种为塞尔维亚地方政府提供融资的模式的当前能力,2016年春季和夏季进行了一项研究,纳入了150名考生的样本。研究结果表明,地方政府在实现和理解公私伙伴关系概念方面的人力资源和技术能力非常低。