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Think non-ethnic, but act ethnic: Perspectives from South Asian entrepreneurs
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.7341/20191525
Mark McPherson

Literature pertaining to ethnic entrepreneurship assumes that religious-cultural and generational factors espouse the intention and ability of the entrepreneur towards business development. And by way of business growth and development, such entrepreneurs should breakout from their local ethnic customer base to service a wider non-ethnic customer base. In reality, many ethnic entrepreneurs lack the resources, the motivation, the ability and/or intention to do this. Consequently, the development and success of the business become hampered. To this end, working within a context of ethnic entrepreneurship, the aim of this paper is to examine the notion that entrepreneurial intention, ability and opportunity inform business growth, development and how the entrepreneur defines the success thereof. Addressing this, 48 semi-structured interviews and 11 comparative case studies were conducted with first- and second-generation South Asian Sikh, Hindu and Pakistani Muslim entrepreneurs within Greater London. A phenomenological paradigm was adopted, with key-words-in-context used to analyze data. Findings note there is no evidence of genuine breakout. Instead, what defines business development and growth is three approaches: (i) content to remain, (ii) forced to remain, and (iii) struggling to adjust. Hindered are attempts to increase the customer and market base beyond that of local clients. Additionally, differences and success between the two generations are reflective of sectorial location, intention, ability and skill-sets, rather than generational or cultural influences. Essentially, the paper presents an alternative view of how entrepreneurial intention, ability and opportunity facilitate or inhibit small business growth and success. However, given the sample-frame and, socio-economic environment within Greater London, findings may not be generalizable. In conclusion, debate pertaining to ethnic entrepreneurship needs to be re-examined; because placing emphasis on culture, religion, ethnicity and generation may be misleading researchers as to the true nature of business requirements, problems and support for ethnic entrepreneurs.



有关种族企业家精神的文献认为,宗教文化和世代相传的因素拥护了企业家进行业务发展的意图和能力。并且,通过业务增长和发展,此类企业家应从当地的族裔客户群中脱颖而出,以服务更广泛的非族裔客户群。实际上,许多种族企业家缺乏这样做的资源,动力,能力和/或意图。因此,业务的发展和成功受到阻碍。为此,本文在族裔企业家精神的背景下开展工作,目的是研究企业家的意图,能力和机会有助于企业的成长,发展以及企业家如何定义其成功的观念。解决这个问题 对大伦敦地区的第一代和第二代南亚锡克教徒,印度教徒和巴基斯坦穆斯林企业家进行了48次半结构化访谈和11个比较案例研究。采用了一种现象学范式,其中的上下文关键字用于分析数据。调查结果表明,没有真正爆发的迹象。相反,定义业务发展和增长的方法是三种:(i)保留内容,(ii)被迫保留,和(iii)努力调整。阻碍将客户和市场基础扩大到本地客户之外的尝试。另外,两代人之间的差异和成功反映了部门的位置,意图,能力和技能,而不是世代或文化的影响。从本质上讲,本文提出了关于创业意向的另一种观点,能力和机会促进或抑制了小型企业的成长和成功。但是,考虑到大伦敦地区的样本框架和社会经济环境,调查结果可能无法推广。最后,有关民族企业家精神的辩论需要重新审查;因为过分强调文化,宗教,种族和世代可能会误导研究人员关于业务要求,问题和对民族企业家的支持的真实性质。