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Applying Brown and Levinson's Politeness Theory on Lady Macbeth's Speech in Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Applied Linguistics Research Journal Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.14744/alrj.2018.24633
Mahmood K M Eshreteh

People communicate since they are part of the society. They simply have to talk with each other. It’s a fundamental need, and a pleasure for humans to be part of relationships. It’s speech which plays the main role in communication. The main function of spoken language is to “socialize individuals to integrate people in social nets by enabling them to communicate in a quick and direct way with immediate feedback from the addressee.” (Dontcheva-Navratilovak, 2005, p.66). Throughout speech one can simplify complicated ideas into a wide range of simple meanings. However, the function of speech is not only to convey information of certain meanings, but it is also connected to interaction between people. This interaction is supposed to be polite. As the majority, if not all, of cultures suggest to enable the participants of any conversation to feel comfortable, and to enjoy conversations and social interaction in general. Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory was originally published in 1978 and revised in 1987. It has given scholars an enormous amount of analysis methods. Without this theory, we would not be in a position to consider the phenomenon of politeness as a fundamental aspect of human sociocommunicative interaction. It provides several presentations of insights into human behavior. Also, it has been saved as a touchstone for other researchers who felt the need to go beyond it. But it is clearly a class of its own in terms of its ABSTRACT



人们是社会的一部分,因此可以进行交流。他们只需要互相交谈。这是基本需求,也是人类成为人际关系的一部分的乐趣。言语在交流中起着主要作用。口头语言的主要功能是“通过使人们能够快速,直接地进行交流,并从收件人那里获得即时反馈,从而使人们融入社交网络。” (Dontcheva-Navratilovak,2005年,第66页)。在整个演讲中,可以将复杂的想法简化为多种简单的含义。然而,语音的功能不仅传达特定含义的信息,而且还与人与人之间的互动联系在一起。这种互动应该礼貌。作为多数(如果不是全部),的文化建议使所有对话的参与者感到自在,并在总体上享受对话和社交互动。布朗和莱文森的礼貌理论最初于1978年发布,并于1987年进行了修订。它为学者们提供了大量的分析方法。没有这种理论,我们就无法将礼貌现象视为人类社会交往互动的基本方面。它提供了一些有关人类行为的见解的演示。另外,它被保存为其他研究人员的试金石,他们认为有必要超越它。但是就其摘要而言,它显然是其自身的一类 它为学者提供了大量的分析方法。没有这种理论,我们就无法将礼貌现象视为人类社会交往互动的基本方面。它提供了一些有关人类行为的见解的演示。另外,它被保存为其他研究人员的试金石,他们认为有必要超越它。但是就其摘要而言,它显然是其自身的一类 它为学者提供了大量的分析方法。没有这种理论,我们就无法将礼貌现象视为人类社会交往互动的基本方面。它提供了一些有关人类行为的见解的演示。另外,它被保存为其他研究人员的试金石,他们认为有必要超越它。但是就其摘要而言,它显然是其自身的一类