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Safe Learning Environment Perception Scale (SLEPS): A Validity and Reliability Study
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-15 , DOI: 10.21449/ijate.550393
Sayed Masood HAİDARİ 1 , Fazilet KARAKUŞ 2

The purpose of this study was to develop and cross-validate a measurement scale on students’ perception of a psychologically safe learning environment in the Turkish context. Primarily, the scale items underwent two rounds of expert review. Then, a series of item elimination or revisions were performed to improve their relevance to the content domain and their comprehensibility for the target group according to the CVI and modified kappa statistics. The results yielded a strong content validity and clarity of the items. Then, the exploratory factor analysis and parallel analysis were performed based on the data from 556 secondary school students (grade 5-8), which suggested a three-factor solution. The KMO was 0.942 > 0.50 with significant Bartlett test values, x 2 (496) = 8295.592, p 0.58 with > 0.40 common correlations. To validate this structure, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted based on the data from a different group of students ( N = 339). The goodness of fit indices, factor loadings, and the t statistics supported a good-fitting measurement model, x 2 ( N = 339) = 925.29, df = 461, p < 0.001; x 2 / df = 2, NFI = 0.94, NNFI = 0.97, CFI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.069, RMSEA = 0.055. The convergent and discriminant validity were also supported. In general, the SLEPS has potential applicability both at the lower and upper secondary schools (public and private) and at the educational centers for the gifted.



这项研究的目的是在土耳其语境下,开发并交叉验证学生对心理安全学习环境的看法的量表。规模项目主要经过两轮专家审查。然后,根据CVI和修改后的Kappa统计信息,进行了一系列项目删除或修订,以提高它们与内容域的相关性以及对目标群体的可理解性。结果产生了很强的内容有效性和项目的清晰度。然后,根据556名中学生(5-8年级)的数据进行探索性因素分析和并行分析,提出了三因素解决方案。KMO为0.942> 0.50,具有显着的巴特利特检验值,x 2(496)= 8295.592,p 0.58,具有> 0.40的常用相关系数。为了验证这种结构,根据来自不同学生群体的数据(N = 339)进行了验证性因素分析。拟合指数,因子负荷和t统计量的优劣支持一个拟合良好的测量模型,x 2(N = 339)= 925.29,df = 461,p <0.001;x 2 / df = 2,NFI = 0.94,NNFI = 0.97,CFI = 0.97,SRMR = 0.069,RMSEA = 0.055。还支持收敛效度和判别效度。通常,SLEPS在高中和初中(公立和私立)以及资优教育中心都有潜在的适用性。df = 461,p <0.001;x 2 / df = 2,NFI = 0.94,NNFI = 0.97,CFI = 0.97,SRMR = 0.069,RMSEA = 0.055。还支持收敛效度和判别效度。通常,SLEPS在高中和初中(公立和私立)以及资优教育中心都有潜在的适用性。df = 461,p <0.001;x 2 / df = 2,NFI = 0.94,NNFI = 0.97,CFI = 0.97,SRMR = 0.069,RMSEA = 0.055。还支持收敛效度和判别效度。通常,SLEPS在高中和初中(公立和私立)以及资优教育中心都有潜在的适用性。