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Examination of the Extreme Response Style of Students using IRTree: The Case of TIMSS 2015
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.21449/ijate.534118
Münevver İLGÜN DİBEK 1

In the literature, response style is one of the factors causing an achievement-attitude paradox and threatens the validity of the results obtained from studies. In this regard, the aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to determine which item response tree (IRTree) models based on the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) approach (random intercept, random intercept with the fixed effect of extreme response and random intercept-slope model) best fit the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 data. Secondly, it purports to explore how the extreme response style affects students’ attitudes toward mathematics of students. This study is both basic research and descriptive research in terms of seeking for answers for two different research questions. For the sample of this research, 15 countries were randomly selected among countries participated in TIMSS 2015. The students’ responses to items measuring attitude in the student questionnaire were analyzed with the packages “lme4” and “irtrees” in R software. When the model fit indices were evaluated, the random intercept-slope model was found to be the best fit to the data. According to this model, the extreme response style explains a significant amount of variances in the students’ attitude toward mathematics. Additionally, students with a negative attitude toward mathematics were found to have an extreme response style. It was concluded that an extreme response style had an effect on students’ attitude.


使用IRTree检验学生的极端反应风格:以TIMSS 2015为例

在文献中,回应方式是造成成就态度悖论的因素之一,并威胁到研究结果的有效性。在这方面,这项研究的目的是双重的。首先,它尝试基于广义线性混合模型(GLMM)方法(随机拦截,具有极端响应固定效应的随机拦截和随机拦截斜率模型)确定最适合趋势的哪个项目响应树(IRTree)模型。 2015年国际数学和科学研究(TIMSS)数据。其次,它旨在探讨极端反应方式如何影响学生对学生数学的态度。就寻找两个不同研究问题的答案而言,本研究既是基础研究,也是描述性研究。对于本研究的样本,在参加TIMSS 2015的国家中随机选择了15个国家。使用R软件中的“ lme4”和“ irtrees”软件包对学生对学生问卷中测量态度项目的回答进行了分析。当评估模型拟合指数时,发现随机截距-斜率模型最适合该数据。根据该模型,极端反应方式可以解释学生对数学态度的巨大差异。此外,发现对数学持消极态度的学生具有极端的反应风格。结论是极端的应对方式会影响学生的态度。使用R软件中的“ lme4”和“ irtrees”软件包分析了学生对学生问卷中测量态度项目的回答。当评估模型拟合指数时,发现随机截距-斜率模型最适合该数据。根据该模型,极端反应方式可以解释学生对数学态度的巨大差异。此外,发现对数学持消极态度的学生具有极端的回应风格。结论是极端的应对方式会影响学生的态度。使用R软件中的“ lme4”和“ irtrees”软件包分析了学生对学生问卷中测量态度项目的回答。当评估模型拟合指数时,发现随机截距-斜率模型最适合该数据。根据该模型,极端反应方式可以解释学生对数学态度的巨大差异。此外,发现对数学持消极态度的学生具有极端的回应风格。结论是极端的应对方式会影响学生的态度。极端的反应方式说明了学生对数学态度的巨大差异。此外,发现对数学持消极态度的学生具有极端的回应风格。结论是极端的应对方式会影响学生的态度。极端的反应方式说明了学生对数学态度的巨大差异。此外,发现对数学持消极态度的学生具有极端的回应风格。结论是极端的应对方式会影响学生的态度。