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Protections for Marginalised Women in University Sexual Violence Policies
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v9i1.1451
Amelia Roskin-Frazee

Higher education institutions in four of the top 20 wealthiest nations globally (measured by GDP per capita) undermine gender equality by failing to address sexual violence perpetrated against women with marginalised identities. By analysing student sexual violence policies from 80 higher education institutions in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, I argue that these policies fail to account for the ways that race, sexuality, class and disability shape women’s experiences of sexual violence. Further, these deficiencies counteract efforts to achieve gender equality by tacitly denying women who experience violence access to education and health care. The conclusion proposes policy alterations designed to address the complex needs of women with marginalised identities who experience violence, including implementing cultural competency training and increasing institution-sponsored health care services for sexual violence survivors.



全球前 20 个最富裕国家中的四个(以人均 GDP 衡量)的高等教育机构未能解决针对边缘化女性的性暴力行为,从而破坏了性别平等。通过分析澳大利亚、加拿大、英国和美国 80 所高等教育机构的学生性暴力政策,我认为这些政策未能解释种族、性、阶级和残疾对女性性暴力经历的影响. 此外,这些缺陷会默认拒绝遭受暴力的妇女获得教育和医疗保健,从而抵消了实现性别平等的努力。结论提出了旨在解决遭受暴力的边缘化妇女的复杂需求的政策调整,