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Editorial: Categorising Migrants: Standards, complexities, and politics
Anti-Trafficking Review ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-28 , DOI: 10.14197/atr.201218111
Claus K. Meyer , Sebastian Boll

In spring 2017, New York Times correspondent Patrick Kingsley went to Turkey to cover the lives of Syrian refugees. In Istanbul, Kingsley met Abu Mohammed, a former surgeon’s assistant from Syria, who between 2015 and 2016 had helped to facilitate the passage of refugees from his home country into Greece. After narrowly escaping death in his own failed attempt to reach Europe, Mohammed had earned some USD 800,000 with ‘smuggling’ activities. He himself spoke of a ‘dirty business’, but it had also been more than just a business—the refugees whom he had helped reach Europe included relatives and even his own son. Kingsley also met 15-year-old Syrian Ismail Alanzi, a refugee working ‘up to 11 hours a day, six days a week’ on a farm in the east of Turkey—much more than the limit set by Turkish law for someone his age. With his father unable to find employment, however, the burden of supporting the family fell upon Ismail. He earned about TRY 800 (USD 225) per month for his toil, which was little more than half of the statutory minimum wage in the country. Ismail also received permission for his family to set up a tent on the land of his employer as they struggled to find proper housing. Turkish law restricts refugees to residing in the province where they are registered, but the family had moved in search of work.



2017年春季,《纽约时报》记者帕特里克·金斯利(Patrick Kingsley)前往土耳其报道叙利亚难民的生活。在伊斯坦布尔,金斯利遇到了来自叙利亚的前外科医生助理阿布·穆罕默德(Abu Mohammed),他在2015年至2016年期间帮助促进了难民从他的祖国进入希腊。穆罕默德(Mohammed)在自己企图到达欧洲的失败尝试中险些逃脱死亡后,通过“走私”活动赚了约80万美元。他本人说的是“肮脏的生意”,但它不仅是生意,他帮助过欧洲的难民包括亲戚,甚至他自己的儿子。金斯利还遇到了15岁的叙利亚人伊斯梅尔·阿兰兹(Ismail Alanzi),他是一名难民,每天在土耳其东部的一个农场上每周工作六天,每天工作11个小时,远远超过土耳其法律规定的年龄。然而,由于父亲找不到工作,抚养家庭的重担落在了伊斯梅尔身上。他的辛勤工作每月可赚大约800土耳其里拉(225美元),仅占该国法定最低工资的一半多一点。伊斯梅尔(Ismail)还获得了允许他的家人在雇主努力寻找合适住房的土地上搭建帐篷的许可。土耳其法律限制难民居住在他们登记的省份,但家庭为了寻找工作而搬家。