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The determinants of customer loyalty in the Indonesian ride-sharing services: offline vs online
Innovation & Management Review Pub Date : 2019-11-22 , DOI: 10.1108/inmr-05-2019-0063
Adi Kuswanto , Sundari Sundari Sundari Sundari , Ashur Harmadi , Dwi Asih Hariyanti Dwi Asih Hariyanti

This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality on trust, satisfaction and loyalty by adopting two models, namely, conventional service quality model from Parasuraman and information systems (IS) success model from Delone and McLean.,Respondents of this study were users of shared-motorcycle services who filled out a complete questionnaire totaling 507. This research used a second-order structural equation model. All question items had quite high reliability and validity based on the result of confirmatory factor analysis with a value of average variance extracted and composite reliability which was higher than 0.70. The goodness of fit was quite good with the values x2/df = 2.493, incremental fit index = 0.921, Tucker-Lewis index = 0.917, comparative fit index = 0.921 and root-mean-square error of approximation = 0.054.,Online and offline ride-sharing services reveal a strong and positive influence on trust and satisfaction. Trust reveals a strong and positive influence on satisfaction and loyalty. Finally, satisfaction reveals a strong and positive influence on loyalty. The research in general shows that the quality of offline service is more influential than the quality of online service in the case of ride-sharing service provided by two companies in Indonesia.,The sampling frame of the research was diverse, including students of various collages and junior high schools, various private company workers and government employees. So, the results cannot be generalized to all populations especially to all Indonesian customers. It is recommended to increase the number of samples by focusing on the community groups of customers of public motorbikes, so that these groups can be compared. Next, the research finds that both service quality based on IS and service quality models reveal a strong and positive influence on loyalty both directly and indirectly.,The research uses respondents who use motorcycle services both online and offline. The findings of the research are important for online and offline ride-sharing motorbike service providers. They have to maintain their excellent services to the customers.



这项研究旨在通过采用两种模型来分析服务质量对信任,满意度和忠诚度的影响,这两种模型分别是Parasuraman的常规服务质量模型和Delone和McLean的信息系统(IS)成功模型。共享摩托车服务人员,他们填写了总计507份完整的问卷。这项研究使用了二阶结构方程模型。根据验证性因素分析的结果,所有问题项均具有相当高的信度和效度,提取的平均方差和综合信度均高于0.70。拟合优度非常好,值x2 / df = 2.493,增量拟合指数= 0.921,Tucker-Lewis指数= 0.917,比较拟合指数= 0.921,均方根近似误差= 0.054。在线和离线乘车共享服务显示出对信任和满意度的强大积极影响。信任对满意度和忠诚度产生了强大而积极的影响。最后,满意度显示出对忠诚度的强大积极影响。总体而言,该研究表明,在印度尼西亚两家公司提供的乘车共享服务的情况下,离线服务的质量比在线服务的质量更具影响力。研究的抽样框架是多种多样的,包括各种拼贴画的学生初中,各种私营公司的工人和政府雇员。因此,无法将结果推广到所有人群,尤其是所有印度尼西亚客户。建议通过关注公共摩托车客户社区群体来增加样本数量,以便可以比较这些组。接下来,研究发现,基于IS的服务质量和服务质量模型都直接或间接地对忠诚度产生了强烈而积极的影响。研究使用在线和离线使用摩托车服务的受访者。该研究结果对于在线和离线共享摩托车服务提供商非常重要。他们必须保持对客户的优质服务。