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Nonhuman Labor and the Making of Resources
Environmental Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-8142319
Anna Krzywoszynska 1

In policy, scientific, and grower communities, soils are being recognized as living and lively ecosystems. This liveliness is driving conceptual and practical transformations of agricultural labor from working the soil to working with the soil, promising to replace human labor with the activities of soil biota. This change to the material process of soil labor will deliver, it is hoped, a true ecological intensification of modern industrial farming, in which the production of ever-growing yields and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems is co-constitutive. This paper presents an analysis of the historical and current changes to soil labor in England on the basis of ethnographic research. I argue that the current transformation of soil labor into an activity carried out by soil biota is consistent with the previous logic of ‘improvement’, which has transformed the processes of soil labor in the past in the project of making soils into better economic resources for capitalist agriculture. By proposing an understanding of labor as a material process of transformation oriented towards the generation of capital value, this paper establishes a dialogue between hitherto separate literatures concerned with the making of economic resources, and with the nature of non-human labor. Through this, I productively collapse the distinction between resources and labor which continues to characterize debates about the relationship between nature and capital. I argue that acknowledging the material co-constitution of (any form of) labor and of resource-making allows us to better analyze the processes through which natures are rolled into capital. In relation to soil biota, enrolling the activities of soil biota as labor, I argue, opens up the whole bio-sphere to the logic of improvement, and to the operations of capital.


