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Shaping an Ear for Climate Change
Environmental Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-3664211
Dianne Chisholm

How does contemporary music cultivate ecological thinking and climate-change awareness in our era of global warming? This essay investigates how the music of Pulitzer Prize–winning Alaskan composer John Luther Adams incites ecological listening and shapes an ear for climate change. It examines Adams’s evolving signature style of composing and/or performing with climatic elements and natural forces, and it further examines how this style effectively attunes audiences to ongoing environmental events that weather the world outside the concert hall. In other words, it investigates the idea and play of “Sila” in Adams’s work, Sila being a concept that Adams derives from the Inuit to signify in the largest possible sense the weather, its cosmic and chaotic modalities, and the wisdom that attends to them.



在我们全球变暖的时代,当代音乐如何培养生态思维和气候变化意识?本文研究普利策奖得主阿拉斯加的作曲家约翰·路德·亚当斯(John Luther Adams)的音乐如何激发生态聆听并塑造气候变化的耳朵。它考察了亚当斯不断演变的标志性风格,包括与气候元素和自然力量的组合和/或表演,并且还进一步探讨了这种风格如何有效地使听众适应正在发生的环境事件,这些环境事件席卷了音乐厅之外的世界。换句话说,它研究了亚当斯作品中“西拉”的概念和作用,“西拉”是亚当斯从因纽特人派生而来的一种概念,目的是在最大可能的意义上表示天气,其宇宙和混沌形态以及所伴随的智慧他们。