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Down to Earth
Environmental Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-3664202
Gisli Palsson , Heather Anne Swanson

We acknowledge the financial support of the Aarhus University and the University of Iceland as well as the Norwegian Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), which hosted the research project "Arctic Domestication in the Era of the Anthropocene," led by Marianne Elisabeth Lien, and funded our stay in Oslo during the academic year 2015-16. Also, we thank other colleagues and CAS participants who commented and helped to generate our writing: Marisol de la Cadena, Frida Hastrup, Tim Ingold, Britt Kramvig, Kjersti Larsen, John Law, Andrew Mathews, Knud G. Nustad, Benjamin Orlove, Barbara Prainsack, Hugh Raffles, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, and Helen Verran. Furthermore, we thank the people whom we interviewed and who helped us track the stories of the roaming volcano (porir Olafsson, Pall Einarsson, and Valdimar K. Jonsson) and geosocial salmon (Rachel Johnson and George Whitman). Finally, we greatly appreciate the careful reading and comments by editor Thom van Dooren, Sverker Sorlin, and two anonymous readers.



我们感谢奥尔胡斯大学和冰岛大学以及挪威高级研究中心(CAS)的财政支持,该中心主持了由玛丽安·伊丽莎白·利恩(Marianne Elisabeth Lien)领导的“人类世时期的北极驯化”研究项目,以及在2015-16学年资助了我们在奥斯陆的住宿。此外,我们还要感谢其他同事和CAS参与者发表了评论并帮助撰写了我们的文章:Marisol de la Cadena,Frida Hastrup,Tim Ingold,Britt Kramvig,Kjersti Larsen,John Law,Andrew Mathews,Knud G.Nustad,Benjamin Orlove,Barbara Prainsack,Hugh Raffles,Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing和Helen Verran。此外,我们感谢采访过的人以及帮助我​​们追踪漫游火山的故事的人(porir Olafsson,Pall Einarsson和ValdimarK。Jonsson)和地缘鲑鱼(Rachel Johnson和George Whitman)。最后,我们非常感谢编辑Thom van Dooren,Sverker Sorlin和两位匿名读者的认真阅读和评论。