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Itineraries of Conflict in Arundhati Roy’s Walking with the Comrades
Environmental Humanities Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-7349407
Alok Amatya 1

This article studies the depiction of indigenous struggles against the grab of minerals, crude oil, and other natural resources by private and government corporations in works such as Arundhati Roy’s travel essay “Walking with the Comrades” (2010). Roy’s narrative of her journey across the dense forests of Bastar in east-central India re-articulates the significance of this contested environmental space from the perspective of the region’s indigenous minorities. Traveling with a troop of indigenous rebels hailing from the Gond, Halba, and Muria communities for more than two weeks, Roy describes their armed struggle to a global English audience. Exploring Roy’s role both as an itinerant narrator and a global cultural mediator, the author argues that descriptive accounts of travel through contested zones of extraction can foster a vocabulary of resistance that the author calls an itinerary of conflict. Drawing from Michel de Certeau’s conception of the tour as a descriptive approach to space, the author posits the itinerary of conflict as a spatial trope produced in Roy’s essay when the writer’s embodied travel narrative is inflected by indigenous journeys and spatial practices, such as marches across contested zones and ritual processions to sacred sites. Itineraries of conflict enact a semiotic and political resistance to resource grabs conducted by state agencies and powerful corporations, exemplified by the usurpation of tribal lands rich in iron ore, coal, and otherminerals in Chhattisgarh state. Further, itineraries of conflict emphasize the embodied presence of indigenous communities and their activists in areas demarcated for the extraction of minerals, timber, and other resources in the face of continued armed conflict or toxic pollution. More broadly, the author suggests that narratives of conflict over the extraction of natural resources can be studied as the corpus of “resource conflict literature,” thus generating a global comparative framework for the study of contemporary indigenous struggles.



本文研究了民营企业与政府公司在诸如Arundhati Roy的旅行文章“与同志同行”(2010)中与土著人争夺矿物,原油和其他自然资源的斗争。罗伊(Roy)讲述她穿越印度中东部的巴斯塔(Bastar)茂密森林的旅程的叙述,从该地区的土著少数民族的角度再次阐明了这一有争议的环境空间的重要性。罗伊(Roy)与来自冈德(Gond),哈尔巴(Halba)和穆里亚(Muria)社区的一群土著叛乱分子一起旅行了两个多星期,向全球英语观众描述了他们的武装斗争。探索罗伊(Roy)作为巡回叙述者和全球文化调解人的角色,作者认为,描述性地描述通过有争议的提取区旅行可能会产生抵制词汇,这被作者称为冲突路线。借鉴米歇尔·德·塞多(Michel de Certeau)的旅行作为一种描述性的空间观的概念,作者将冲突的行程假设为罗伊(Roy)论文中产生的空间叙词,这是因为作家的具体旅行叙事受到土著旅行和空间实践的影响,例如穿越争夺圣地的仪式区和仪式游行。冲突的行程对国家机构和强大的公司进行的资源掠夺进行了符号和政治上的抵抗,例如,恰蒂斯加尔邦(Chhattisgarh)侵占了富含铁矿石,煤炭和其他矿物的部落土地。进一步,冲突路线强调,面对持续的武装冲突或有毒物质污染,土著社区及其活动家在划定用于开采矿物,木材和其他资源的地区确实存在。更广泛地说,作者建议可以将有关自然资源提取的冲突叙述作为“资源冲突文献”的语料库进行研究,从而为研究当代土著斗争创造了一个全球比较框架。