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Environmental Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-7349347
Bradley M. Jones 1

This article explores the cultivation of life in ruins. At the foothills of Appalachia, I focus on a permaculture farmer—Sally of Clearwater Creek—fostering arts of (making a) living on a damaged planet. Ethnography in the Anthropocene requires tending and attending to those making the best of the mess that’s been made: a commitment to noticing things not (only) falling apart, but (also) coming back together again. In other words, an attention to compost—the (de)compositional processes and collaborative assemblages nourishing all life on earth. Building on “more-than-human” and “human economy” theorizing in the environmental humanities and economic anthropology respectively, this article develops the concept of the “more-than-human economy” to better understand the “problem of living despite economic and ecological ruination” (Tsing 2015). At Clearwater Creek a multi-species ecological ethic recursively informs an economic paradigm for making ends meet with others, where surpluses born of synergies feed back into a resilient system, revaluing weeds and waste. Sally’s labors reflect a new form of ethical, ecological, and economic entanglement that crops up in the interstitial spaces and disturbed landscapes of the Anthropocene. Permaculture praxis—an embodied relationship with more-than-human others and an attention to symbiotic communities of co-flourishing—contributes to the cultivation of “arts of attentiveness” (van Dooren et al. 2016) necessary for living (well) on a damaged planet. Promising, yet precarious, these emergent forms of life offer hope in a blasted landscape (Kirksey et al. 2014).



本文探讨了废墟中生命的培养。在阿巴拉契亚山脉的山脚下,我专注于一位永续耕种的农民-克利尔沃特克里克的萨利(Sally of Clearwater Creek)-培养(制作)生活在受损星球上的艺术。人类世间的人种学要求照顾并照顾那些善加利用的人:致力于注意事物的承诺不仅(要)瓦解,而且(还要)重新团结起来。换句话说,对堆肥的关注(分解过程和协作组合滋养了地球上的所有生命)。本文分别基于环境人类学和经济人类学的“超越人类”和“人类经济”理论,提出了“超越人类经济”的概念,以更好地理解“尽管存在经济和社会问题,但生活问题”。生态破坏”(Tsing,2015年)。在克利尔沃特克里克(Clearwater Creek),多种物种的生态伦理递归地提供了一种经济模式,以使人与生俱来,协同作用所产生的盈余会反馈到一个有弹性的系统中,从而重估了杂草和废物的价值。萨莉的工作反映了一种新的伦理,生态和经济纠缠形式,这种纠缠现象出现在人类世间质空间和受干扰的景观中。永续耕作实践(与人类以外的其他人之间的内在联系,以及对共生共生社区的关注)有助于培养“定心艺术”(van Dooren等人,2016年),这是生活在(井)上的必要条件损坏的星球。这些新兴但有希望但不稳定的生活形式给爆炸的景观带来了希望(Kirksey等人,2014)。