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Response to Steve Hoffman's "The Responsibilities and Obligations of STS in a Moment of Post-Truth Demagoguery"
Engaging Science, Technology, and Society ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-24 , DOI: 10.17351/ests2018.263
Noortje Marres

In this response to Steven Hoffman’s The Responsibilities and Obligations of STS in a Moment of Post-Truth Demagoguery," I insist on the importance of public knowledge, which requires that we distinguish between scientific and public facts. I differentiate between knowledge democracy and populism, as the former entails a refusal of hierarchical visions of the relation between science and politics. I discuss the problem of demarcation, and how the delineation between valid and invalid claims resurfaces as a practical and normative problem in today’s technological societies.


对史蒂夫·霍夫曼(Steve Hoffman)的“ STS的责任和义务”的回应

在对史蒂芬·霍夫曼(Steven Hoffman)的《在真相后的魔咒之时STS的责任与义务》的回应中,“我坚持公共知识的重要性,这要求我们区分科学事实与公共事实。我区分知识民主与民粹主义,由于前者需要拒绝对科学与政治之间关系的等级观念,所以我讨论了分界问题,以及有效和无效要求之间的划界如何在当今的技术社会中重新成为现实和规范的问题。