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Upgraded to Obsolescence: Age Intervention in the Era of Biohacking
Engaging Science, Technology, and Society ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-08 , DOI: 10.17351/ests2020.361
Kirsten L. Ellison

Popularized by DIY scientists and quantified-selfers, the language of “biohacking” has become increasingly prevalent in anti-aging discourse. Presented with speculative futures of superhuman health and longevity, consumers and patients are invited to “hack” the aging process, reducing age to one of the many programs, or rather “bugs” that can be re-written, removed, and rendered obsolete. Drawing on recent examples from popular media and anti-aging promotional materials, I explore how the language of biohacking signals an orientation to the body that denies the acceptability of a body that is anything but optimal. In the endless strive towards the latest and greatest, the language of biohacking renders the old body obsolete, standing as nothing more than a relic of an outdated operating system.



在自我老化的讨论中,“生物黑客”一词在DIY科学家和量化自我主义者的欢迎下广受欢迎。面对超人类健康和长寿的推测性未来,邀请消费者和患者“破解”衰老过程,将年龄缩减为众多程序之一,甚至可以改写,删除和废弃的“ bug”之一。借助流行媒体和抗衰老宣传材料中的最新实例,我探索了生物黑客的语言如何向身体发出信号,否定了身体的最佳可接受性。在不懈地追求最新和最伟大的过程中,生物黑客的语言使这辆旧机器过时了,它不过是过时的操作系统的遗物而已。