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Producing the “Highway to Nowhere”: Social Understandings of Space in Baltimore, 1944-1974
Engaging Science, Technology, and Society ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.17351/ests2020.327
Amanda K. Phillips de Lucas

The “highway to nowhere” is a 1.32 mile fragment of an arterial expressway located in Baltimore, Maryland. This segment was designed to contribute to a proposed limited access highway system that was never constructed after years of activism, debate, and lawsuits. This article examines the history of the construction of this highway segment to suggest that conflicts over the design, sitting, and construction of infrastructure are fundamentally struggles over the definition and production of space. This analysis utilizes Henri Lefebvre’s triad of spatial production as an analytical framework to identify distinct spatial forms that surface during the process of infrastructure building. Utilizing this analytical framework may enrich the STS-based infrastructure inquiries by bringing to the surface the multiple forms of spatial production that structure system-building activities. In conclusion, I suggest that utilizing Lefebvre’s triad within studies of infrastructure surfaces important, and potentially transformative, local claims to space. Such claims are of renewed importance as cities across the US confront the segregationist histories of the built environment.



“通往无处的高速公路”是位于马里兰州巴尔的摩的一条动脉高速公路的1.32英里片段。此部分旨在为拟议的有限访问高速公路系统做出贡献,该系统经过多年的活动,辩论和诉讼后从未建成。本文研究了该高速公路段的建设历史,以表明与基础设施的设计,布局和建设有关的冲突从根本上来说是空间定义和生产方面的难题。该分析利用亨利·勒费弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)的空间生产三元组合作为分析框架,以识别在基础设施建设过程中表面出现的独特空间形式。利用这种分析框架,可以通过使构成系统构建活动的多种形式的空间生产浮出水面,从而丰富基于STS的基础架构查询。总之,我建议在基础设施研究中利用Lefebvre的三合会揭示重要的,可能具有变革性的当地空间主张。随着美国各城市面对建筑环境的种族隔离主义历史,这种说法具有新的重要性。