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Investigations into the Production of Broadline Purple-on-red Pottery from the Tucson Basin
KIVA ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00231940.2020.1756094
Mary F. Ownby 1 , Matts Myhrman 2

Broadline Purple-on-red pottery, dated to the Tortolita Phase (AD 500–700), is notable as one of the earliest decorated wares in the Tucson Basin. This ware is also unique for its sparkly “purple” paint made with ground specular hematite. Such material is available in the Tucson Mountains, but whether it was exploited for the production of Broadline Purple-on-red vessels is unknown. Our experimental work suggested these sources could be used to make paint nearly identical to that on the vessels. Petrographic analysis was employed to confirm production of Broadline Purple-on-red pottery in the Tucson Basin, which was previously lacking. Laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry was utilized to chemically characterize specular hematite rocks and the paint on four sherds of Broadline Purple-on-red. The results indicate compositional discrimination between rock sources, but difficulties in connecting these data to those for the paint, which is often thin and likely combined with a clay binder.



可追溯到托尔托利塔期(公元500-700年)的红线宽彩紫陶是图森盆地最早的装饰商品之一。该产品还因其使用地面镜面赤铁矿制成的闪亮“紫色”涂料而独树一帜。这样的材料在图森山上可以买到,但是尚不清楚是否将其用于生产“红线阔红”容器。我们的实验工作表明,这些来源可用于制造与船只上几乎相同的油漆。进行了岩相学分析,以确认以前缺乏的图森盆地红线紫红陶器的生产。激光烧蚀电感耦合质谱法用于化学表征镜面赤铁矿岩石和Broadline Purple-on-red的四层上的油漆。