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Price of Liberty or Never Again: Americans’ Views on Preventing Mass Murder
Justice Evaluation Journal ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/24751979.2019.1569474
Murat Haner 1 , Francis T. Cullen 2 , Cheryl Lero Jonson 3 , Alexander L. Burton 2 , Teresa C. Kulig 4

Abstract Shortly following the mass murders at a concert in Las Vegas, NV and at a church Sutherland Springs, TX, a national sample (n = 1,000) was surveyed in December 2017 regarding gun control policies. The study’s key finding is that two thirds of Americans rejected the view that these incidents were the “price of liberty,” advocating instead for efforts to ensure that such massacres should occur “never again.” A clear majority of the sample also rejected the idea that a gun was needed to repel the federal government’s threat to take away liberty and that a “good person” with a gun is the best way to stop a “bad person” with a gun. By contrast, high support was found for banning lethal firearms and bullets, for banning firearm ownership by risky people, and for most proposals seeking to regulate firearm ownership. Less support for these initiatives was found among males, the less educated, and gun owners as well as among those favoring the NRA, fearing government tyranny, and believing that carrying guns prevents murder. The results suggest that in the current context—which includes repeated mass murders—public opinion is conducive to reforms aimed at implementing common-sense gun safety regulations. The implications of likely policy reforms for justice evaluation are discussed.



摘要在内华达州拉斯维加斯的一场音乐会和德克萨斯州萨瑟兰斯普林斯教堂的大屠杀发生后不久,2017年12月对枪支管制政策进行了全国抽样调查(n = 1,000)。该研究的主要发现是,三分之二的美国人拒绝了这些事件是“自由的代价”的观点,而是主张努力确保这种屠杀“再也不会发生”。显然,大多数样本还反对这样的想法,即需要用枪来击退联邦政府夺走自由的威胁,而拿着枪的“好人”是阻止拿着枪的“坏人”的最佳方法。相比之下,在禁止致命的枪支和子弹,禁止危险人员禁止拥有枪支以及寻求规范枪支所有权的大多数建议中,都得到了大力支持。在男性,文化程度较低的枪支拥有者以及赞成NRA,担心政府暴政并相信携带枪支可以防止谋杀的人中,对这些倡议的支持较少。结果表明,在当前情况下(包括屡次大规模谋杀),公众舆论有利于旨在实施常识性枪支安全法规的改革。讨论了可能的政策改革对司法评估的影响。