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Impact of the MeckFUSE Pilot Project: Recidivism Among the Chronically Homeless
Justice Evaluation Journal ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-24 , DOI: 10.1080/24751979.2018.1478236
Shelley J. Listwan 1 , Jennifer L. Hartman 1 , Ashleigh LaCourse 2

Abstract Homeless individuals involved in the criminal justice system often have needs that translate into a significant human and financial cost to society. As a result, there has been an interest in developing intervention strategies to aid the homeless with the intent to reduce antisocial behavior. One of these strategies, the Frequent User Systems Engagement (FUSE) model, has garnered support nationwide over the last decade; however, few empirical evaluations of its efficacy exist. The current study utilizes a quasi-experimental design to compare outcomes between a sample of FUSE program participants (n = 42) with a similar group not receiving services (n = 42). Over the course of the 4-year study period, the FUSE group had fewer arrests and remained “arrest free” in the community for a longer of time, even after controlling for associated risk factors. Recommendations for improvement outcomes utilizing this model are provided.



摘要参与刑事司法系统的无家可归者常常需要转化为对社会的巨大人力和财务成本的需求。结果,人们有兴趣开发干预策略来帮助无家可归者减少反社会行为。其中一种策略,即频繁用户系统参与(FUSE)模型,在过去十年中获得了全国的支持。但是,对其功效的实证评估很少。当前的研究采用准实验设计来比较FUSE计划参与者(n = 42)与未接受服务的类似人群(n = 42)之间的结果。在为期4年的研究期内,FUSE小组的逮捕人数减少了,并在社区中保持了“无拘无束”的时间更长,即使在控制了相关的风险因素之后。提供了使用该模型的改进结果的建议。