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Jung Journal ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2020.1706391
Jeffrey Moulton Benevedes

We’re celebrating the fortieth anniversary of Jung Journal in this issue with an interview of the founding editor of the journal, John Beebe. The origin story of what was initially the San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal is so intertwined with John’s personal journey that this fascinating interview is best thought of as a piece of a fine memoir. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of the many gifted editors of this publication. It does take a village to create what is now Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche. Many individuals support the journal: from the International Editorial Board to the Jung Journal Committee to associate editors, feature editors, poetry and reviews editors, the editing group of candidates and analysts as well as the new Outreach Committee. The previous editors serve as my advisors, and the managing editor holds all parts of the enterprise together and manages the interface between Jung Journal and our publisher Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Finally, generous individual donors provide indispensable support, the fuel to keep the journal going year after year, ever evolving with the life of the times and of the soul. In this issue, poetry editor Paul Watsky provides an important array of translated Russian poems. Paul helps to orient us to the significance of this selection with the following: “Russia has for centuries been one of the world’s great poetry cultures. Since the Russian Revolution, English-speaking readers have had a succession of luminaries readily available in translation: Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, Mandelstam, and others through the 1920s, ’30s, and ’40s, onward to Yevtushenko and Voznesensky in the 1960s and ’70s. In more recent decades, however, it has become harder to orient oneself to Russia’s literary scene, so Jung Journal takes a small step to fill that void with its annual translation issue, with a selection chosen by Meryl Natchez.” Does anyone still imagine that identity is fixed over a lifespan? After all few of us would feel comfortable being defined solely by our ethnic affiliation, class, gender, or profession. Identity is a phenomenon of evolving and transforming multiplicity, with all parts of the self existing in concert across time, place, and person. Apropos to these notions, two sections of this issue highlight the transformation of identity, some by emergence of the self and another due to a severe accident. I learned about the portrait photographer Jess T. Dugan and her creative partner, Vanessa Fabbre, as well as photographer Robert Andy Coombs from a curator at the Palm Springs Art Museum. Their work was part of the Touching History: Stonewall 50 exhibit, celebrating fifty years of gay activism and art since the New York Stonewall riots birthed the modern gay rights movement. Each artist, as I discovered, documents the theme of emerging identity. I contacted Jess, Vanessa, and Robert prior to the show asking if we could highlight their work in this issue of the journal.



在本期中,我们将采访该杂志的创始编辑 John Beebe,以庆祝 Jung Journal 成立 40 周年。最初是旧金山荣格学院图书馆期刊的起源故事与约翰的个人旅程如此交织,以至于这次引人入胜的采访最好被认为是一部精美的回忆录。我很荣幸能够追随本刊许多有天赋的编辑的脚步。确实需要一个村庄来创建现在的 Jung Journal:Culture & Psyche。许多人支持该期刊:从国际编辑委员会到荣格期刊委员会,再到副主编、专题编辑、诗歌和评论编辑、候选人和分析师编辑组以及新的外联委员会。以前的编辑担任我的顾问,总编辑将企业的所有部分联系在一起,并管理 Jung Journal 与我们的出版商 Taylor & Francis/Routledge 之间的界面。最后,慷慨的个人捐助者提供了不可或缺的支持,这是使期刊年复一年发展的燃料,随着时代和灵魂的生活不断发展。在本期中,诗歌编辑保罗·沃茨基 (Paul Watsky) 提供了一系列重要的俄语诗歌译本。保罗通过以下内容帮助我们了解这一选择的意义:“几个世纪以来,俄罗斯一直是世界上最伟大的诗歌文化之一。自俄国革命以来,讲英语的读者已经有了一系列可以随时获得翻译的杰出人物:马雅可夫斯基、阿赫玛托娃、曼德尔施塔姆,以及 1920 年代、30 年代和 40 年代的其他人,到 1960 年代和 70 年代的 Yevtushenko 和 Voznesensky。然而,近几十年来,越来越难以将自己定位到俄罗斯的文学界,因此荣格杂志采取了一小步,通过其年度翻译问题填补了这一空白,梅丽尔·纳奇兹选择了其中的一部分。” 有没有人仍然认为身份在一生中是固定的?毕竟,我们中很少有人会因为我们的种族、阶级、性别或职业而感到自在。身份是一种进化和转变多样性的现象,自我的所有部分跨越时间、地点和个人协同存在。针对这些概念,本期有两部分突出了身份的转变,一部分是由于自我的出现,另一部分是由于严重事故。我了解了肖像摄影师 Jess T. Dugan 和她的创意伙伴 Vanessa Fabbre,以及来自棕榈泉艺术博物馆馆长的摄影师 Robert Andy Coombs。他们的作品是感动历史的一部分:石墙 50 展览,庆祝自纽约石墙骚乱催生现代同性恋权利运动以来同性恋激进主义和艺术五十年。正如我所发现的,每位艺术家都记录了新兴身份的主题。我在节目开始前联系了 Jess、Vanessa 和 Robert,询问我们是否可以在本期杂志中重点介绍他们的工作。正如我发现的那样,记录了新兴身份的主题。我在节目开始前联系了 Jess、Vanessa 和 Robert,询问我们是否可以在本期杂志中重点介绍他们的工作。正如我发现的那样,记录了新兴身份的主题。我在节目开始前联系了 Jess、Vanessa 和 Robert,询问我们是否可以在本期期刊中重点介绍他们的工作。