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“Is It Not Possible to Be a Radical and a Christian?”: Dorothy Day’s Evolving Relationship with the Patriarchal Norms of Journalism and Catholicism
Journalism History Pub Date : 2019-07-22 , DOI: 10.1080/00947679.2019.1631083
Bailey Dick 1

ABSTRACT Journalist and Catholic activist Dorothy Day demonstrated her values through both actions with radical groups outside the conventional structures and norms for women of her time at the beginning of her career, and later through the small, quiet, daily acts of radicalism. As this article shows, through her leveraging and adherence to traditions and teachings, Day was able to access male-dominated spaces, gain legitimacy within the patriarchal structures, and later share her more radical, yet faithful, beliefs with readers and the Church to create change from within both the Church and the newspaper industry. Through an analysis of Day’s personal papers, news articles, and memoirs, this article examines the way Day’s experience as a journalist shaped her writing, activism, personal interactions, and understanding of the world.


“不可能成为一个激进主义者和基督徒吗?”:桃乐丝·戴(Dorothy Day)与新闻学和天主教的父权制规范之间的发展关系

摘要新闻工作者和天主教活动家多萝西·戴(Dorothy Day)通过在职业生涯开始时与传统组织和女性规范之外的激进团体的行动,以及后来的日常小规模,安静的激进主义活动,展示了她的价值观。正如本文所显示的那样,通过利用和坚持传统和教义,Day得以进入男性主导的空间,在父权制结构中获得合法性,并随后与读者和教会分享她更加激进但忠实的信念,以创造从教会和报纸行业内部发生变化。通过分析Day的个人论文,新闻文章和回忆录,本文研究了Day作为一名记者的经历如何塑造了她的写作,行动主义,个人互动以及对世界的理解。