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From Baseball Icon to Crusading Columnist: How Jackie Robinson Used His Column in the African-American Press to Continue His Fight for Civil Rights in Sports
Journalism History Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00947679.2020.1757345
Raymond McCaffrey 1

ABSTRACT This study explores how Jackie Robinson continued his fight for civil rights in sports using his newspaper column in the New York Amsterdam News and syndicated in African-American newspapers during the 1960s, after the end of a Major League Baseball career in which he broke the sport’s “color line.” A review of those columns reveals a side of Robinson not typically seen in official histories depicting him as too conciliatory and restrained in his approach to race relations. Robinson came to take almost militant stands, challenging oppression by calling for boycotts of sporting events and event sponsors years before such strategies were adopted by a younger generation of athletes. Robinson was early in his support of Muhammad Ali’s right to refuse military service because of his religion, a backer of an Olympic boycott, and a fierce opponent of Republicans and Richard Nixon, a political party he once belonged to and a politician he had endorsed. Perhaps his most dramatic shift in opinion was that Major League Baseball, the sport he had helped show that integration was possible, had become a model of intolerance because of its failure to promote African-Americans to management positions.


从棒球偶像到十字军专栏作家:杰基·罗宾逊(Jackie Robinson)如何在非裔美国人新闻界使用他的专栏继续他在体育运动中争取民权的斗争

摘要这项研究探讨了杰基·罗宾逊(Jackie Robinson)如何在1960年代美国职业棒球大联盟职业生涯结束后打破体育界,在纽约阿姆斯特丹新闻社的报纸专栏和非裔美国报纸上继续他为体育运动争取民权的斗争。运动的“色线”。对这些专栏的回顾揭示了鲁滨逊的一面,这在官方历史上通常是看不到的,这说明鲁滨逊在他处理种族关系的方法上太和解和受限制。鲁滨逊几乎采取了激进的立场,通过抵制体育赛事和赛事赞助商来挑战压迫,直到几年后才被年轻一代的运动员采用。罗宾逊(Robinson)早就支持穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)因其宗教信仰而拒绝服兵役的权利,他是奥林匹克抵制的支持者,他是共和党人和尼克松(Richard Nixon)的激烈反对者,尼克松曾经是他的所属政党,而他则认可了他的政客。也许他最戏剧性的观点转变是,他帮助美国职业棒球大联盟展示了融合的可能性的美国职业棒球大联盟已经成为一种不宽容的榜样,因为它未能将非裔美国人提升为管理职位。