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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-24 , DOI: 10.1080/01971360.2019.1661071
Julio M. del Hoyo-Meléndez 1, 2

As the editor-in-chief and together with the associate editors and the editorial staff, we are happy to introduce issue 4 of Journal of the American Institute for Conservation of 2019. This issue features five manuscripts reporting on current conservation topics, which we hope will be of interest to our community. The issues covered in these articles are in alignment with this year’s AIC Annual Meeting theme “New Tools, Techniques, and Tactics in Conservation and Collection Care.” In addition to new approaches to conservation treatment and preventive care, the annual meeting proceedings stressed how collaboration with related fields and allied professionals impact the advancement of our profession. This is reflected in all the papers presented in this issue. In this issue’s first article, Suzanne Davis draws our attention to the importance of gender equity in conservation. It is not uncommon nowadays to see how issues related to equity and equality (not to be used interchangeably) affect many sectors, including education, employment, and health. Davis analyzed how gender inequity continues to be a key obstacle for the development of conservation in the United States through an evaluation of data from two AIC/FAIC surveys. The paper looks at the possible reasons for gender-related differences in our field and ends with a section on how to improve gender equity in workplace settings. This article is an example of expansion of aims and scope of JAIC, where authors are encouraged to identify and discuss challenges affecting twenty-first century conservation professionals. The next three articles consist of case studies that deal with examination, conservation, and exhibition issues. Albertson and co-authors investigate degradation phenomena of ultramarineand indigo-containing paints through a comprehensive technical study on the painting Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Jan de Bray. The authors used a multi-technique approach that included imaging, spectroscopy, and chromatography to identify the materials used by de Bray, and associated degradation byproducts, to support conservators treating the aforementioned painting. Next, Beckett et al. deal with the preservation of a Stephen Sprouse-designed leather jacket painted with daylight fluorescent pigments by Stefano Castronovo in the 1980s. Multi-material heritage objects such as these are very difficult to preserve due to the limited amount of available information about the physico–chemical interactions between the different materials employed to create them. This work presents an interview with the artist, a condition assessment of the jacket, and chemical analysis of the paint as well as its treatment and exhibition aspects. Last in this group, N. Astrid R. Van Giffen presents a summary of her examination and treatment of a group of Blaschka glass invertebrate models. These objects mostly consist of glass but other materials are frequently used in conjunction with the glass resulting in a challenge for conservators. The article deals with examination of the glass models using ultraviolet technical photography to study the condition of the objects and make informed conservation treatment decisions that put emphasis on adhesion and loss compensation. This is a relevant work for conservators working with natural history collections where glass is the main material present. Last, the diversity of National Park Service’s collections and the problems faced by conservators responsible for the care of these cultural heritage objects are discussed by Bottkol and Campbell. The authors present three case studies that illustrate the wide range of objects found in their collections as well as the different conservation approaches undertaken that are very specific for each object. These consist of a five-panel Japanese screen, a Buddhist temple table, and a whale jaw archway. The ethical and philosophical issues are discussed throughout the paper in the context of AIC’s Code of Ethics and literature on the ethics, theory, and socio-historical aspects of contemporary conservation. I express my gratitude to our current editorial board members for their ongoing commitment to the standards to which JAIC aims. I am very honored to continue serving as editor-in-chief for JAIC. During my five-year tenure, board members have efficiently handled a growing number of quality submissions; as a result, we have significantly expanded our pool of peer reviewers, increased our impact, and reduced our average turnaround times. It is my goal to maintain the high standard of articles published in our journal while working to continuously improve the publication process for authors from submission to production. We hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to your contributions to the journal.



作为总编辑以及副编辑和编辑人员,我们很高兴介绍《 2019年美国保护学院学报》第4期。本期以五篇有关当前保护主题的手稿为特色,我们希望将使我们的社区感兴趣。这些文章所涉及的问题与今年的AIC年会主题为“保护和收集护理的新工具,技术和策略”相一致。除了采取新的养护治疗和预防措施外,年会的议事程序还强调了与相关领域和相关专业人士的合作如何影响我们的职业发展。这反映在本期发表的所有论文中。在本期的第一篇文章中,苏珊娜·戴维斯(Suzanne Davis)提请我们注意性别平等在保护中的重要性。如今,看到与平等和平等相关的问题(不可互换使用)如何影响许多部门,包括教育,就业和卫生,这一现象并不少见。戴维斯(Davis)通过对两次AIC / FAIC调查的数据进行评估,分析了性别不平等如何继续成为美国发展保护的主要障碍。本文探讨了我们领域中与性别相关的差异的可能原因,并以关于如何在工作场所改善性别平等为结尾。本文是JAIC目的和范围扩展的示例,鼓励作者识别并讨论影响二十一世纪保护专业人员的挑战。接下来的三篇文章包括案例研究,涉及检验,保护和展览问题。Albertson及其合作者通过Jan de Bray与Holofernes负责人对Judith绘画进行了全面的技术研究,研究了群青和含靛蓝颜料的降解现象。作者使用了包括成像,光谱学和色谱法在内的多种技术方法来鉴定de Bray所使用的材料以及相关的降解副产物,以支持保存者处理上述绘画。接下来,贝克特等。负责保存由史蒂芬诺·卡斯特罗诺沃(Stepfano Castronovo)在1980年代由斯蒂芬·斯普劳斯(Stephen Sprouse)设计的皮夹克,上面涂有日光荧光颜料。由于用于创建它们的不同材料之间的物理化学相互作用的可用信息数量有限,因此此类多材料遗产对象很难保存。作品介绍了艺术家的访谈,夹克的状态评估,油漆的化学分析及其处理和展示方面。在该组的最后,N。Astrid R. Van Giffen介绍了她对一组Blaschka玻璃无脊椎动物模型的检查和治疗的摘要。这些物品主要由玻璃组成,但是其他材料经常与玻璃结合使用,这给储物柜带来了挑战。本文使用紫外线技术照相法对玻璃模型进行检查,以研究物体的状况并做出明智的保护性处理决策,重点在于附着力和损耗补偿。对于从事自然历史收藏的馆员来说,这是一项重要的工作,而玻璃是其中的主要材料。最后,Bottkol和Campbell讨论了国家公园管理局收藏的多样性以及负责保护这些文化遗产的保护者所面临的问题。作者介绍了三个案例研究,这些案例说明了他们的藏品中发现的各种物体以及针对每种物体所采取的不同保护方法。其中包括五屏日本屏风,佛教寺庙桌子,和鲸鱼颚拱。在整个文件中,都在AIC的《道德守则》和有关当代保护的伦理,理论和社会历史方面的文献的背景下讨论了道德和哲学问题。我对我们现任编辑委员会成员对JAIC所追求的标准的持续承诺表示感谢。我很荣幸继续担任JAIC的总编辑。在我的五年任期内,董事会成员有效地处理了越来越多的高质量意见书;结果,我们极大地扩大了同行评审的人数,增加了影响力,并减少了平均周转时间。我的目标是保持高水平的期刊发表文章,同时不断改善作者从投稿到制作的出版过程。